Practices from other lands, Oosouji: the Japanese method for physical and emotional cleansing

Did you know that, for Japanese culture, cleanliness has both a physical and an emotional connotation? Every year, they apply the oosouji: a way to get rid of negative emotions through cleaning and tidying up the home.

Thus, to free themselves from emotional burdens and avoid stagnating in the past, they apply a conscious cleaning of all corners. We share with you a simple guide so you can learn how to implement it in your own home.

What does it mean Oosouji?

oosouji is a word of Japanese origin that, translated, means “cleaning”. But it goes beyond a simple cleaning of the home: the believe that, through the oosoujiyou can leave behind the memories and problems of the past, to make room for new beginnings and experiences.

Just as in other parts of the world it is customary to carry out a general cleaning in spring or autumn, the oosouji it is practiced in december. This allows us to start each year with renewed energy and less emotional burden derived from disorder and accumulating belongings that we do not use.

The goal is to transform monotonous cleaning into something more meaningful: cleaning and it becomes a ritual to “sweep away” negative emotions. You can do it at any time of the year and when you need it.

how to implement oosouji at home

The first thing you should do is reserve a day where you know there will be no distractions. Put your phone on silent and get to work! This cleaning is ideal for all household members to participate.

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Start by cleaning each room clockwise, always starting from the door. Clean from top to bottom and inside out. This will make the dust fall, without dirtying what is already clean.

Set aside boxes so that as you find items you know you won’t use anymore, you can separate them for gifts or donations later. Have a large container for garbage. Every time you finish cleaning and tidying a room, remove it from there.

To deep clean, move furniture and objects from their place. Try to remove all the stains you find, including humidity. In the practice of oosoujiLeaving them is synonymous with remaining in the negative emotions of the past.

Maintain order even in the drawers. If you find things that you still have doubts about if they will work or not, take all the time you need to analyze them. If you haven’t used it in a while, it might be better to give someone else a chance to take advantage of it.

Leave the garden or balcony for last. Cleaning includes plants and dry leaves.

And you, have you already applied it? Tell us
