Menstrual cycle problems and their meaning – Biodecoding

According to , every disease or physical imbalance has an emotional or metaphysical origin that does not manifest as such and is therefore expressed in the body.

Everything that happens to us, according to this alternative medicine proposal, has an emotional meaning because body, mind and spirit are impossible to separate. We are a whole and what happens to us on an emotional level affects our entire being.

Problems in the female menstrual cycle are very common: irregularities, periods of amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), pain, etc. Some may be so “normal” for some women that they don’t care.

But what is the emotional significance of problems in the female menstrual cycle?

Menstruation is, at the biological level of women, the physical manifestation of their ability to generate life. It expresses the end and the beginning of a cycle that usually consists of 28 days; and it occurs when the egg that has not been fertilized is detached.

In menstruation not only blood is shed, but also tissue endometrial and vaginal fluids. For the whole cycle to be fulfilled normally, it is necessary that the hormones are produced correctly.

Given that it is a natural process in women, in general terms, it is possible to associate problems in the female menstrual cycle with the unconscious emotional significance of possible conflicts with the acceptance of their own femininity, on a sexual, physical or social level. Sometimes it may be due to considering (always unconsciously) sexuality as something shameful, dirty, or that generates guilt or fear.

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The blood symbolizes the family and attitude towards life, or their loss of joy towards life. At the level of the biodecoding It is possible to trace any problem related to the female menstrual cycle to the relationship with the mother, or the first female figure. That will be a key aspect: if the mother was absent, emotionally distant, submissive, etc. In this sense, menstruation is a matter transgenerational: fears affect mothers, aunts, grandmothers, great-grandmothers and great-grandmothers with respect to femininity and sexuality.

The beliefs that a woman has registered as “truths” about her feminine being could have a much more physical impact than she herself believes, since they unconsciously act as conditioning factors.

Becoming aware and understanding what were the social patterns that she learned to associate with her role as a woman will allow her to free herself from those unconscious programs to love her body, respect her abilities and establish the meaning of her being a woman without impositions.

Emotional significance of some of the most common menstrual problems

  • Amenorrhea (irregular periods or absence of menstuation)

Fear of growing up, of being a mother. I reject sexuality. Fear of being sexually attractive, of being abused. I reject the mother.

  • Very strong menstrual pain

Critical, dominant mother or its opposite, indifferent. Excess of norms or total lack of them. Home limiting, who expects you to do what they want. Shame to be a woman. Lack of enjoyment in being a woman (this can happen, for example, with pregnancies where mothers expect to have a male child).

It can also be linked to the suffering of the mother: cases of abuse, cases where the mother “had” to get pregnant, stories of pain.

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Lack of acceptance. Thinking of yourself is what is expected. Feeling of being rejected by others.

Acne is also related to the idea of ​​not feeling pretty or accepted. And that may have to do, at the level transgenerationalwith a feeling from the mother transmitted to her daughter: the belief that being a mother will cease to be the center of attention of her partner, or that she will no longer be attractive, or that she will lose her freedom.

Need to stop belonging to the family of origin. Fear of being abandoned.

In all cases, you must remember that it is important that you keep track and become aware of your own cycle. Do not think that it is something abnormal or shameful. And if you notice any irregularities, see your doctor and find out what else on an emotional level could also be affecting it. Do not forget: you are a whole; your thoughts and emotions can also unbalance you. Don’t lose track of yourself. In most cases, you can hold the key to healing yourself.

Important: It must be clarified that the Bioguide does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, The Bioguide does not assume responsibility for those acts. The intention of the site is only to offer information of a general nature to help in the search for personal development and growth.

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