“Megan is Missing”: where to watch the horror movie that is sweeping TikTok

Many people have shared the viewing of this psychological horror film written and directed by Michael Goi (American Horror Story) and many have been surprised by their reactions when it reaches a certain moment: the appearance of the first photograph.

Megan is Missing Trailer HD


Megan Stewart (Rachel Quinn) is a very popular teenager at her school who pays a high price to be the most admired. She has problems at home, the boys treat her like a sexual object and her friends go to her to go to parties. Everyone except Amy (Amber Perkins), her best friend, who she cares for and protects from her. She is the complete opposite and, therefore, she will not enjoy the sympathy of the rest. Her world will change when Megan disappears after meeting a stranger on the Internet, Josh.

Where you can see Megan is Missing

Unfortunately, the film is not available on any streaming platform mainly due, it seems, to its graphic content. However, many people have been able to find the DVD of it or its full version on YouTube.

Megan is Missing is a film shot in mockumentary style that follows the story of Megan Stewart, a very popular high school girl who disappeared without leaving a trace. The story focuses on the days before and the subsequent investigation initiated by her best friend.

The film stars a young, little-known cast made up of Amber Perkins, Rachel Quinn, Dean Waite and Kara Wang, among others.

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Megan is Missing online sub

Megan is missing (2011) – United States