What emotional significance does asthma have in children and adults?

Asthma is a disease caused by inflammation of the airways. When a person has an asthma attack, the muscles around the airways become tight and swollen, reducing the amount of air that can pass through. For this reason, the sensation is of suffocation and of not being able to breathe.

Although asthma is considered a chronic disease, many people have asthma only at one point in their lives, and then recover. It is very common that some children suffer from the disease and are suddenly cured as adults.

This is explained because asthma has a strong emotional significance, and from the It is considered that it has to do especially with fears that have to do with the environment or the territory.

That is, when you live in a toxic atmosphere for some reason, it is common to develop asthma.

Asthma as fear of territory invasion

The emotional conflicts that generate this respiratory disease have to do with the territory in which one lives. When there are too many people living in the house, for example, you can have that feeling of suffocation.

Also when living in a toxic environment. For example, family disputes, constant fights, poor communication with people who live in the same space as one.

The fear of the invasion of the territory occurs when we feel that the enemy lives with us. This occurs when there is a very strong fight with someone in the house, or with the arrival of a new person in the family.

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asthma in children

Asthma is common in children, many of whom get better as they get older. It is possible that in those cases, it has to do with the feeling of guilt that the child can carry. If things are not going well around them, the boys notice it right away.

Beyond the words that are used with them, the smaller the boy is, the more sensitive he is to what is happening around him. A tense climate will be noticed immediately. Many kids, feeling that things are not working well at home, feel guilty about it and develop asthma.

Thus, many children assume the blame for everything that is wrong in their environment, they feel “unworthy”, not valuable and, therefore, guilty and deserving of punishment. It is therefore important that an asthmatic child feel safe in his environment and above all, remind him of how valuable he is.

It’s always a good idea to explain to the kids what’s going on at home, especially if there are problems. Sometimes parents prefer not to tell them anything, believing that this is how they protect them. But children also perceive the bad climate of the environment, and draw their own conclusions, which can be worse for them.

improve asthma from biodecoding

Many times the “change of air” cures asthmatics. In general, this has to do precisely with getting out of that stale atmosphere that was making him sick. It is an idea that, if the person with asthma decides to move, the whole family should not accompany them, since they can “move” the stale air to the new space.

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Separation from that toxic situation that caused your asthma can be a great way to improve your health.

It is also a good idea for the person suffering from the disease to start working on self-confidence and making their own decisions. Many times the feeling of suffocation comes from the feeling of not being able to act freely.

Thus, it is important to work on personal freedom, the self care but, above all, free yourself from guilt by making decisions based on your own desires.

Important: It should be made clear that Bioguide does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for that purpose, Bioguide does not assume responsibility for those acts. The intention of the site is only to offer information of a general nature to help in the search for personal development and growth.
