What is the emotional meaning of leg and foot pain

According to Biodecoding, behind every symptom, such as pain, there is an emotional conflict to be resolved. The human being is a unit integrated by body, mind and spirit; that is why a disease can represent an imbalance in any of these planes and not only in the one that becomes visible.

In the case of the legs and feet, they are areas of the body where many people tend to feel discomfort, inflammation, joint problems, skin problems, etc. From Biodecoding this does not happen only because of something external, like a blow, for example; but it can sink its roots in a deeper emotional sense.

David R. Hawkins explains it this way: “Because most people suppress and shun their emotions throughout their lives, repressed energy accumulates and seeks expression through psychosomatic distress, bodily disturbances, emotional illness, and disorderly conduct in interpersonal relationships”.

Learn here some keys to reveal the emotional meaning of leg and foot pain.

The legs and feet support the weight of the body; They provide support, cushioning, and are key to walking and balance. Disorders in any of them can create obstacles in the ability of a person to remain upright or move independently.

The first question on an emotional level that we can ask ourselves is: what is this preventing me? Move along? Stand me up? Run?

Both feet and legs are made up of bones, joints, muscles, cartilage, and tendons. Each part can express a specific conflict, and its true meaning is personal and will be linked to the personal life of each one. But at a general level it is possible to point out that:

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The foot

Emotionally represents the connection with mother earth, our position in the world. For this reason, for biodecoding, foot problems can mean unresolved conflicts in relation to the mother or with what fulfills its symbolic function of providing security, containment, and food. It can also represent conflicts to advance in life, to take a certain path, to support oneself, to take a leap. In the same way they could also reveal problems with emotional balance, security or direction.

For example: foot pain can mean the need to stop, to slow down, to heal; the “flat foot” can manifest rigidity in the face of life; calluses can express the fear of walking into the unknown; or sprains or sprains can symbolize emotional imbalance, especially when making decisions.

The legs

They represent, according to biodecoding, the ability to move forward, to make changes, to move on. The problems in them can indicate a fear or difficulty to continue walking in a certain direction; They are related to our way of relating to the future and the ability to take momentum to go where we want.

For example: circulation problems can mean conflicts to feel and express emotions in a positive way; or “tired legs” can manifest the sense of burden that implies doing or not doing certain things in life.

For healing, an introspective work is necessary to discover what emotion/nes are in the background of the problem. Becoming aware of this is already the first step to help heal through one’s own inner healing tools.

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Develop more your trust in yourself and in the Universe. Your body is speaking to you. Listen!

The objective of this book is for the reader to understand in a didactic and entertaining way, through case examples and explanations about Biological Decoding, what is the paradigm of health based on the understanding of diseases.

Important: It should be clarified that La Bioguía does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, La Bioguía does not assume responsibility for these acts. The intention of the site is only to offer information of a general nature to help in the search for personal development and growth.