Emotional test: what you see first will tell you what your being wants

Getting in touch with what we are truly passionate about, motivates and strengthens us is not always easy. Many times the fears are great and divert us from the path.

Use this image to discover what you want with all your desire but, perhaps, you do not dare to assume it.

What do you see first in this picture? The answer indicates what you want deep down in your being.

a lock

If what you see first is a lock, it means that you are in a stage of your life in which you want to be loved, content and feel cared for. You are looking for an affective bond that is authentic, transparent, honest and pure. You want to give yourself up and open your heart, knowing that you won’t be hurt and that your feelings will be returned in equal measure.

A woman

If what you see first is a woman, what you deeply desire is to establish yourself and grow, take root and strengthen the course of your life. It is time to bet everything on the path you have chosen and put all your energy into your projects so that they develop and strengthen. You will need patience to wait for things to bear fruit, but it will have been worth it because learning will have made you wiser and stronger.

An eye

If, on the other hand, what you see first is an eye, you must launch yourself into search and experimentation. You have discovered that life is an adventure that you need to live, you want to go out into the world and discover the unknown. The comfort of home and security have given you the necessary confidence to fly and chart your own path, even if you don’t know exactly where you’ll end up. What matters is the journey, you are not in a hurry to reach the next destination, but you want to discover what life can offer you. cheer up!

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