15 Colors that start with Y

Colors that begin with the letter ‘Y’ emerge as an intriguing and often overlooked category, as do colors that begin and .

Although a few are known, many are surprised that there are more than they think, that they are worth knowing because They carry with them an interesting history and symbolism.


HEX: #008b97

It is a curious color that begins with Y, which comes from the phrase that the Flintstones said, being a soft turquoise tone.


HEX: #0f4d92

It is called Yale because it is the color of the university of the same name, which is why this tone has been registered as such.


HEX: #cc6600

It is considered an earthy color due to its characteristics, although it looks more orange than brown.


HEX: #1c2841

It is an extremely dark blue, which looks black, although this is exactly what makes it special.


HEX: #a97164

Despite sounding like Japan, it has nothing to do with it, referring to this color by Y, to a tone of light brown.


HEX: #544a50

This shade of brown, named yasna, has a percentage of gray, making it interesting to use.


HEX: #ffff00

It is the way to call yellow in the English language, and refers to the generic color of primary yellow.


HEX: #ffd562

It was named this way because of the yellow tone found in the yolk of the egg, which is very distinctive.

And in

HEX: #333333

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The presence of dark gray and black is clear in this color, which is perceived as an extremely dark brown.

And so

HEX: #f4f4f4

This is a well-known Y color, which looks like white, but is more of an off-white like material.

Ying Yang

HEX: #dadcbe

In this case we have an interesting color, between the beige range, only with some touches of black.


HEX: #ed4c44

It is not called that by chance, but it represents the bonfires of Yosemite Park as a tone, being captivating.


HEX: #68786b

It has nothing to do with the vegetable in color, because the tone is very different, which is like a grayish green.


HEX: #7b6608

The name of such a color that begins with the letter Y is inspired by the potato called Yukon, which is like golden brown.


HEX: #cec291

It can be described as a sand color, similar to beige, only more intense, which is in fact an alternative.