Recommendations to avoid back pain in the elderly –

Although the Back pain It is a problem it can appear at any age, people over 60 are more prone to it, especially those related to joint degeneration of the spine.

Back pain, as the specialists from Sanyres Groupcan be one of the most annoying in the daily life of the elderly.
And to avoid it, pain relieving exercises they are a mixture of strengthening and stretching the muscles to restore the ability to move at least partially.
The stretches and light exercises They are especially indicated for mild back pain that generally lasts less than 24 hours in which stretching and relaxation alternate.
proposes below some exercises to do to relieve pain mild or at those times of the day (morning, at bedtime) when the pain tends to increase.

  • Lying on your back, bring your knees up to your chest and wrap your arms around them. He raises his trunk and tucks his chin into his chest. Then relax, trying not to strain any muscle excessively, and repeat as many times as you need.
  • In the same position, lying on your back, with your knees bent and your feet on the ground. Separate the arms in a cross with the palms of the hands facing up and raise the arms stretching them towards the ceiling.

The postures sleeping or simply sitting or standing in the same position are also a key factor in morning back pain.

  • When we stay in the same position for a long time, whether standing, sitting or lying down.
  • When we adopt certain postures that increase the physiological curves
  • When making great efforts, or small but very repeated
  • When sudden movements are made
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In the event that the pain reaches the extreme of feeling an electric current in the leg, it should be go to the doctor to diagnose and prescribe an exercise adapted to each needs.
As indicated by Sanyres, avoiding these bad habits and performing specific exercises on a daily basis, minor back problems can be considerably improved.

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