Melanoma can also appear on your feet: how to protect them from the sun?

Of the three types of skin cancer, it is the most serious, representing 4% of malignant tumors that focus on human tissue, with a very high mortality. And according to data from specialists, its incidence has grown exponentially in the last 25 years.

Therefore, in addition to prevention, early detection is essential. Protect yourself from the sun, monitor spots and moles become essential to prevent the development of this tumor. But there is an area of ​​our body in which in all probability we do not realize that it must also be checked: the feet.

Well, he warns of the importance of reviewing them because cancerous lesions can also occur in them.

Specifically, a rare variant of melanoma, the melanocarcinoma acral lentiginous (MLA).

  • It is located, above all, on the soles of the feet.

  • And it has a very high lethality level.

Its severity is such that, despite the fact that it only constitutes 1 in 100 cases, it represents the 80% of deaths related to this type of cancer.

Characteristics and diagnosis of acral lentiginous melanocarcinoma

One of the characteristics of acral lentiginous melanocarcinoma is that it tends to predominantly affect people over 60 years of age. In addition, despite the fact that melanoma in general affects more in the population with white skin, MLA is more common among the population with darker skin.

The appearance of this tumor is similar to a black or brown spot, although it can sometimes take on an orange hue. In addition to the soles of the feet, this type of lesions can also appear on the palms of the hands or under the nails.

  • Once the spot is located, different techniques can be used to determine the diagnosis. The GCOP highlights that the most basic is the protocol (observe asymmetry, irregular edges, varied color, diameter greater than 6 millimeters and evolution, that is, if any change is perceived).

In addition to this, it must be taken into account if, in addition to the skin lesions, there are other alterations such as itching, inflammation, ulcers or erosions. “However, this procedure, like the biopsy, becomes complicated if it involves feet or nails,” explain the podiatrists.

Melanoma on the feet is not frequent but it is very aggressive.

Other instruments for its detection are dermoscopy, which makes it possible to differentiate benign and malignant structures that can be found in the skin, or histological study, through which the structure, development, and functions of living tissues and cells are observed.

In any case, and as with any type of cancer, a biopsy, that is, the total or partial removal of the lesion in question, becomes the most reliable way of accurately diagnosing a pathology of this type.

In any case, due to the high fatality rate of this variant of melanoma, podiatry professionals must be alert to any type of suspicious skin lesion on the lower extremities.

How to protect your feet from the sun?

In any case, and to avoid the appearance of this type of skin cancer, the Council of Podiatrists give some recommendations to protect the feet from both the sun and hot surfaces.

  • Contrary to what it may seem, podiatrists indicate that more foot burns tend to occur due to a lack of cream than from stepping on sand or overheated floors, although in the case of the beach it is advisable to walk on the wet sand on the seashore .

  • In addition, it is remembered that for the protection of the feet it is necessary to use solar cream. Normally, the feet should have higher protection than the rest of the body since they are not used to being exposed to the sun, spending the rest of the year covered by it.

Thus, specialists advise using sun protection mainly to protect the instep area from ultraviolet rays and thus avoid sun that can evolve into malignant lesions such as MLA.

  • In any case, prevention work is absolutely essential to achieve early detection. For this reason, it is more than advisable to go to the podiatry clinic at least once a year for a more than obvious reason: the soles of the feet are areas that we do not regularly control visually and only a health specialist will be able to diagnose MLA early enough to save a life.

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