The small change that will cut you 600 calories a day and help you lose weight

When we are on a diet and trying to lose weight, we pay a lot of attention to what we eat. We are obsessed with counting calories and we overlook two things that are fundamental: the first thing is that we have to worry about changing our diet to make it healthiernot so that you gain less weight (a change in diet will last you a month, a change in habits will make you better for a lifetime) and the second thing is that we don’t pay attention (or at least not that much) to the drinks. Did you know that by changing what you drink during lunch or dinner you can save up to 600 calories a day?

And it is that eating with a soft drink, having breakfast with a juice or having dinner with a beer are, all of them, gestures that add calories as shown in the graph that we put at the end of this information and that has been prepared by the nutritionist Joel Torres in your account instagram in which he adds thousands of followers. The nutritionist emphasizes that “caloric drinks can make you not meet your goal when it comes to losing weight and we don’t tend to pay attention to them.” caloric drinks can make you not meet your goal when it comes to losing weight and we do not tend to pay attention to them

not enough change sugary drinks for a light or zero sugar soda (although obviously that change is already noticeable). We must go further. Among them is, obviously, water.

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Advantages of drinking water to lose weight

Drinking water can help you lose weight for several reasons: the first is that it satisfies you. Remember that Having a glass before each meal can help you to make your stomach fuller when you face lunch and dinner.. But that’s not the only benefit of it. Water will also allow you to go to the bathroom better.

zero alcohol

But if there is something prohibited when it comes to drinks if you want to lose weight, those are, without a doubt, alcoholic beverages. It is true that not all of them have the same alcohol content nor do they provide your body with the same calories, but it is also true that the less alcohol you drink, the better it will be for your health and for the calories you add. Don’t know what the worst drinks are? Point and subtract every day more than 600 calories to your daily diet. Remember that it is important that, in addition to changes in your diet, you introduce changes in your day-to-day mobility into your life in order to notice improvements as soon as possible.