The ten most common cravings of pregnant women according to scientists (and what better to satisfy)

Between myth and reality, the cravings Women’s pregnant They have been exaggerated at times in the collective imagination, although scientists have tried to identify some of the reasons that could explain these irresistible desires, often related to food.

These compulsive behaviors arise suddenly, at any time of the day, but it is not clear if it is a way of satisfying certain physiological needs, mere whims or a mixture of both. In fact, on many occasions psychological or social causes are pointed out, so that similar phenomena can even appear in the partners of pregnant women.

One possible medical explanation is that the cravings are the expression of an organism that seeks to compensate metabolic and hormonal changes with certain foods that are experienced during the pregnancy. Likewise, sometimes, the craving does not manifest as a desire, but as a rejection of other foods.

Experts often suggest satisfy the cravings of pregnant women, although always in moderation. The balance of the future mother is essential, but without neglecting the necessary healthy diet For women who are in a gestation period.

These are some of the most common cravings among pregnant women:

  1. Chocolate. A very common craving also before and after pregnancy becomes during the months of gestation one of the main objects of desire, along with other sweets.
  2. Ice. The cold could calm some symptoms of pregnancy, such as nausea. Some women experience the urge to take it, chopped or otherwise.
  3. Ice creams. Like chocolate, they provide the sugar that some pregnant women seem to seek. Also, like ice, it helps to cope with nausea.
  4. Pretzels. Sometimes, instead of sugar, some women prefer very salty foods.
  5. Chips. If they are salty, they can fulfill the function of providing sodium to the body of pregnant women.
  6. Lemons. Strong flavors are one of the most common cravings.
  7. Pickles. Like lemons, they are chosen for their strong, tart flavor. The object of desire can also be the banderillas, the anchovies in vinegar, etc.
  8. Spicy. The preference for spicy foods would explain the taste for strong flavors that seems to develop in some women during their pregnancy.
  9. cheeses. To accompany many meals or as a snack, it appears on all the lists of foods for which many women feel a greater attraction during their pregnancy, perhaps due to a need for calcium.
  10. Fruit. On other occasions, desires are directed towards fruits, which can provide vitamins and sugars.
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