A month without taking sugar: These are the kilos that you can lose quickly and effortlessly

When it comes to losing weight and wanting lead a healthier routine, there is a maxim that you must be very clear about and that is practically always fulfilled: There are no miracle diets. It is true that starting to lose those extra kilos is a difficult and tedious routine, above all, for those who have never been on a diet or hardly exercise. Patience and being constant in eating are two fundamental pillars on the path to losing weight. Also, you should keep in mind that the Exercising is just as important as eating right. Be careful, this does not mean that you should spend countless hours running on a treadmill or elliptical machine or sacrifice your leisure time in the gym. There are different routines that you can do without leaving home and with which you will notice incredible results.

However, when starting a healthy routine There is only one food that you must remove from your diet in order to achieve optimal results. It’s all about the sugar. By banishing this product from your diet you will be able to lose up to five kilos in a single month. What foods are the main ones that you should eliminate? Sugary drinks, pastries, industrial products. Take care of the diet in the most important meals of the day as breakfast translates into surprising results in the short term. It is also important to know the starting point, for example, knowing your body mass index, for this you can use the . The body mass index is the relationship between a person’s weight and height. A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered optimal for most adults.

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Eating healthy is not synonymous with eating only lettuce and tomato salads or going hungry all the time. There are many low-calorie foods that are a fundamental ally to cope with the diet and use as a snack between meals.

Also It is very important to be clear that you have to forget about alcohol. These types of drinks are together with soft drinks the most fatteningIn addition, they can lead to health problems. Beer, believe it or not, is the least fattening and cocktails or mixed drinks the most. Also It is essential to get away from those “pleasures” for many such as pastries, chocolate palm trees and other sweets that no matter how tasty they are, they will only make us gain kilos.