Rainy season, but also viral and bacterial diseases –

At this time of year the weather tends to vary from one moment to another, going from intense sun to cloudiness and rain, changes that become a ‘breeding ground’ for cases of viral and bacterial infections to increase, as mentioned by the infectologist from our José Millán Oñate Institution, who explains that the main reason for this is that sudden changes in temperature favor humid conditions “that facilitate the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.”

“The most common viral infections are respiratory; However, gastrointestinal infections and those of the Central Nervous System can also appear, causing meningitis, but many of these diseases can be prevented through vaccination and leading a healthy life”, says Dr. Oñate, who adds that among the bacterial diseases that increase due to the rains are cholera and typhoid fever.

What to do to prevent them?

For the doctor, many of the diseases caused by climate changes are preventable through vaccines, “hence the importance of being up to date with vaccination schedules and maintaining healthy habits in terms of eating, physical activity and practicing personal hygiene.” hands with soap and water, in addition to the use of alcohol”, recommends the Doctor.

Likewise, the pediatric pulmonologist at our Gustavo Adolfo Ordóñez Arana Institution mentions that to mitigate the effects of sudden temperature changes, face masks and/or scarves should be used, “these elements create a barrier and protect the respiratory system,” he says.

  • Every year you must get vaccinated against influenza and, when age and pathologies indicate it, you must also get vaccinated against pneumococcus and complete the vaccination schedule against Covid-19.
  • Keep your distance from people who have respiratory diseases and if you are the one affected, try to isolate yourself, wear a mask and keep your distance from other people.
  • Avoid the accumulation of objects that retain water, stagnant water is the habitat of the mosquito that transmits dengue.
  • Among the good habits is that of cleaning your environment.
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Most common diseases in the rainy season

  • Respiratory diseases: flu, colds, influenza, among others. Symptoms include high fever, runny nose, sore throat, and headache.
  • Dengue: presents with fever, malaise and headache.
  • Cholera: its symptoms are abdominal pain, intense diarrhea and rapid dehydration.

At our Institution we have a specialized medical team for the management of viral and bacterial diseases. Infectologists, pulmonologists, epidemiologists, healthcare personnel, as well as state-of-the-art equipment are part of the care for our patients and their families.

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