Glaucoma, the silent eye disease –

Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve, which is also neurodegenerative and is produced by elevated eye pressure, it presents progressively and can cause irreversible blindness to those who suffer from it.

Dr. Camilo Hernán Arenas, an ophthalmologist at our Institution, explains that this affectation generates a progressive loss of the visual field “until blindness is reached if it is not treated properly.”

Regarding the symptoms, the specialist states that this is an asymptomatic disease, “the patient may have lost a lot of visual field and does not realize it, the only way to detect it in time is through an ophthalmological examination by taking eye pressure or observing the disc or optic nerve with an examination of the fundus of the eye, both routine procedures”, said Dr. Arenas.

types of glaucoma

  • Chronic open angle. It is the most common and is diagnosed with ophthalmological controls that must be done periodically.
  • Narrow and closed angle. It presents with severe pain in the eye.

Signs of the disease

Although it is an asymptomatic disease, our specialists explain that there may be some warning signs or vision changes to which you should be aware.

  • Lateral vision loss may occur, progressively and almost imperceptibly.
  • The patient may be presenting, more frequently, stumbling blocks in his daily life.
  • The patient may have difficulty recognizing objects that are located next to him.

Risk factor’s

Our ophthalmologist indicates that this disease is more likely to appear when a relative has suffered from it; as well as in those who present elevated intraocular pressure and in people with myopia, who are more exposed to glaucoma.

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  • Attend consultation with the ophthalmologist.
  • If you suffer from the disease go to the controls with the glaucomatologist.
  • Perform medical treatment and indicated therapies.

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