+70 Humanistic Psychology Phrases – By Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow

There are many psychological models that throughout history have tried to explain human behavior and mind. In this sense, humanistic psychology was born in the 20th century, led by Abraham Maslow and other researchers, also known as person-based psychology. It is an approach that highlights the importance of understanding the human experience, including emotions and perceptions, to live successfully through self-actualization.

This paradigm replaces the traditional view of human beings as basically rational and logical people, who can be understood isolated from their physical and social environment. In this Psychology-Online article, we have selected the best 70 phrases of humanistic psychologyin which individuals are conceived as a whole, capable of thinking, existing and with unique and individual emotions.

Famous phrases from humanistic psychology

Starting in the 1950s, a new paradigm emerged in psychology: humanistic psychology. This vision is based on existentialism, which states that we are capable of changing and developing by nature. In addition, he is also based on phenomenology, which is why he recognizes that everyone lives different experiences and interprets them individually.

It is not an isolated branch of psychology, but rather it complements the study of individuals as integral beings. Next, we leave you a selection of famous phrases from humanistic psychology:

  1. Try to be a man of values ​​and success comes alone. .
  2. All the consequences of your actions depend directly on your value scheme. Anonymous.
  3. The objective of education in life should not be based on only acquiring knowledge, but also on learning human values. William S. Burroughs.
  4. Greed is a bottomless pit that only agitates people who never achieve satisfaction. .
  5. People who are aware of their prejudices are on the way to eliminating them. Gordon Allport.
  6. Death only causes fear to those who have not had time to live. Viktor Frankl.
  7. Schizophrenia is only understood when despair is understood. Ronald Laing.
  8. He is not rich who has much, but he who gives more. Erich Fromm.
  9. Selfish people don’t love anyone, least of all themselves. Erich Fromm.
  10. World peace begins with the health of the spirit. Anonymous.
  11. People must dedicate part of their time to unlearning what they do not need and learning what they have not been taught.
  12. Life is so fast-paced that changes are noticeable when they are already disappearing. .
  13. Talking about humanism and denying man is a lie. Paulo Freire.
  14. Humanism and returning to human roots is an antidote to the poisons that settled before Christianity. Simone Weil.
  15. A humanism based on falsehoods is not useful for understanding the essence of man. Alfonso Sastre.
  16. Existentialism indicates that man can always achieve fulfillment. .
  17. What is humanism? Nothing more than love for men, just that. Thomas Mann.
  18. A well-ordered humanism places respect for others before self-love. Levi Strauss.
  19. Nationalism is a kind of sect. It is an idolatry that can lead to madness. Erich Fromm.
  20. Personality is hidden in specific acts and within the individual. Therefore, personality “is” and “does.” Gordon Allport.
  21. Although we are individual beings, we cannot help but recognize that we belong to an integral collective.
  22. It is decisions, not conditions, that determine who we really are.
  23. Live every day as if you had a second chance and, by the way, always think that you already had a bad time. She takes advantage of every moment. Fritz Perls.
  24. The meaning of a good life is having helped others find the meaning of their own lives. Erich Fromm.
  25. Love transcends the physical form of the loved one to go deeper into one’s own spirit. Viktor Frankl.

Humanistic psychology focuses on personal growth and self-actualization of the individual. Therefore, the exercises and dynamics in this therapeutic approach usually focus on self-knowledge and the development of interpersonal skills. If you want to know more about humanistic psychology, we recommend reading the following book:

Humanistic psychology phrases by Carl Rogers

One of the most prominent psychologists of the 20th century was S. He is one of the great leaders of the humanist movement and the creator of the famous “client-centered therapy,” whose results changed the focus of psychoanalytic therapies. The foundations of it were that every person is good by nature and that he is capable of solving his problems to determine the course of his destiny.

Below, we leave you the most significant humanistic psychology phrases from Carl Rogers:

  1. When I look at the world I am a pessimist, but when I look at humanity, I regain optimism.
  2. The essence of creativity is novelty. Therefore, there is no standard by which to judge it.
  3. It is the client himself who knows what hurts him, what he wants to bury and the path he wants to follow.
  4. The good life involves living the moments fully.
  5. The humanistic approach does not give more power to people, it never takes it away from them.
  6. No one can know how we really feel but ourselves.
  7. When you discover that you deserve to be loved for who you are and not what you look like, you will discover that you deserve love and respect.
  8. There are as many real worlds as there are people on Earth.
  9. The good life is a process. It is a state of being, not a direction, but the entire path.
  10. Healthy behavior is unpredictable, while neurotic behavior is completely predictable.
  11. No other person’s idea is as valid as my own experience. Therefore, its frequent error or reliability is always open to verification.
  12. If only I was more open to the world, it would be good enough.
  13. The facts are not always the friendliest. However, each experience, each piece of life brings us much closer to the truth.
  14. I’m not perfect, but I’m enough.
  15. Ask yourself daily: am I living a life that satisfies me and deeply pleases me?
  16. The most curious thing is that when you accept yourself as you are, you will begin to change.
  17. There is direction, but there is no destination.
  18. Loneliness is that great barrier that prevents a person from uniting with their true inner being.
  19. The only way to understand other cultures is by acquiring the reference framework of those cultures.
  20. Each man must fully assume the way to resolve internal conflicts, for which society assumed responsibility.
  21. People are as wonderful as the sunset only if you let them be.
  22. Growth in life only occurs when people confront their problems, fight to solve them, and through that struggle, develop new skills, abilities, and points of view.
  23. The only learning that influences behavior is self-appropriated and self-discovered learning.

Humanistic psychology phrases by Abraham Maslow

One of the main founders of humanistic psychology was the American psychologist Abraham Maslow. This magnificent researcher left great contributions in the field of the study of the mind and human behavior. Furthermore, he maintained that no one achieves self-actualization if their basic needs are not met. This is known as the .

These are the most famous and interesting humanistic psychology phrases from Abraham Maslow:

  1. Most people can be better than they really are.
  2. The strangest truth to believe in life is that true fear arises from fear of our own success.
  3. A good society always rewards virtue.
  4. If you plan anything less than what you are really capable of, you will most likely be unhappy throughout your life.
  5. The thing is that a satisfied need is no longer a need.
  6. The fact is that people are good. If you give people security and affection, they will give you security and affection.
  7. If your only tool is a hammer, you are going to try to solve each of your problems as if it were a nail.
  8. A major component of mental health is the ability to be and live in the present moment.
  9. We could define therapy as a search for value.
  10. In life I have learned that the novice can see errors that the expert does not see. It’s just about not appearing naive and not being afraid to make mistakes.
  11. What needs to be changed in a person is consciousness itself.
  12. One can choose between security or growth. Growth must be chosen again and again. Therefore, fear must be overcome again and again.
  13. It is not normal to know what we really want. In fact, it is a strange and complex psychological achievement.
  14. A truly good therapist always acts as if development is possible.
  15. Children do not need to be taught to be curious, they are curious by nature.
  16. People should pay more attention to their own tastes. Many don’t.
  17. Self-realization is the intrinsic growth of what exists within the organism. To be more precise, it is the awareness of what the organism itself is.
  18. When the need for self-esteem is satisfied, a feeling of self-confidence, strength, worth and self-sufficiency is born that allows you to be useful to the world.
  19. A musician can play, a poet write. Whatever man wants to be, he can be.
  20. As income increases, people strive to achieve goals that they would not have dreamed of years before.
  21. Growth and improvements can come from where you least expect. For example, pain and conflict.
  22. I may feel a little guilty about the past or even apprehensive about the future. But only in the present can I act.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.


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  • Martorell, J.L. (2008). Humanistic psychology. JL Martorell, and JL Prieto, Fundamentals of psychology, 155-165.
  • Vengoechea, GP (2001). Rogers his professional thinking and his personal philosophy. Psychology from the Caribbean, (7), 60-69. https://www.redalyc.org/pdf/213/21300705.pdf
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