7 signs that you have a very strong emotional connection with a person

Typically, people with whom we feel a powerful connection make us feel calm, comfortable, and energized. Most likely, all of those people meet some of these indicators when it comes to their relationship with you.


Understanding in a relationship usually means a very strong connection. An understanding that derives from empathy and that often facilitates help, listening and comfort.

Instant connection

It is not necessary to be in a relationship to build a connection, this is demonstrated by the instant connection, which usually occurs from the beginning of a relationship and makes us feel that “we are made for each other.”

Personal growth

People who demonstrate an emotional connection tend to grow personally and spiritually faster together. This connection allows transcendental knowledge between both, getting to know the other’s concerns and preferences before they inform them.

This growth is achieved through communication, which between people who share a connection is often very stimulating.

Peace of mind

When two people have an emotional connection, they usually feel peace in each other’s company. This means that problems can be seen from a healthier and more cooperative perspective, unlike unhealthy relationships, in which conflicts are usually just an opportunity to be right and overcome the other.


Emotional connection is an ally against loneliness. This connection allows us to have a feeling of company regardless of the distance between people. This connection allows us to feel present in each other’s thoughts, and to have the other in our thoughts constantly.

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We refer to the fascination that we develop for the person with whom we have the emotional connection. We always find them interesting, fun, and any feeling of joy in that person causes us joy.

It doesn’t mean that we don’t see flaws in the other person, in fact the connection allows us to notice them more than anyone else, but we still find them very interesting people.


Empathy is based on understanding the needs and feelings of others, there is no need to externalize things to put ourselves in their place, but rather we understand and accept ourselves as we are.

According to , these are some of the most common indicators that your emotional connection with someone else is very powerful. There are many more and each relationship is different and therefore everyone has their own ways of showing that they find someone important, but strong relationships often present some or all of these indicators.