7 benefits of nuts in the geriatric diet

Nutrition in older adults is synonymous with health and well-being at a physical and mental level. And it is that the foods that constitute the diet can help prevent diseases and delay cellular aging. At this stage of life it is especially important to take care of the food that is consumed and ensure that all the nutrients required to guarantee maximum well-being in daily activities are obtained.

There is a big problem that they do not ingest certain key nutrients due to appetite problems, difficulties when eating, problems in preparing meals, deficits in the absorption of nutrients or an increase in energy needs, as may be the case of people with Parkinson’s disease.

In the diet of the elderly Nuts can provide numerous benefits for your health. Within this category of foods we can find varieties such as almonds, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, etc.

Nuts provide numerous benefits for the health of the elderly

In addition to being delicious foods, they are a important source of vegetable protein and monounsaturated fatty acids such as Omega 3, which are essential to keep the body in good condition over time. Some of the benefits of nuts in the diet of the elderly:

1. They take care of the health of the heart

Most nuts contain minerals such as potassium and very low sodium content (as long as they are consumed without salt). This combination is ideal for maintaining stable blood pressure levels and thus avoiding the occurrence of heart attacks. Therefore, nuts are essential in the diet of older adults who suffer from hypertension.

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In addition, dried fruits contain Omega 3which helps regulate blood cholesterol and maintain good circulatory flow, as they help keep blood vessels in good condition.

2. They protect the bones and muscles

Nuts are rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium. This powerful combination helps to fortify and contribute to the mineralization of our bones, preventing diseases such as osteoporosis. In addition, its magnesium and vegetable protein content reduces muscle cramps and promotes muscle regeneration after a day of activity.

On the other hand, some nuts, such as the pecan nut, also contain anti-inflammatory propertiesfavoring the health of the joints and thus combating the symptoms of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

3. They provide nutrients for the skin and hair

During the elderly, it is very common for skin conditions to begin to appear, since the production of collagen and elastin It has been damaged over the years. Our body needs to obtain these nutrients and it can get them through nuts such as almonds, which have high levels of protein and vitamin E.

This vitamin is essential for the care of the skin, hair and even for fortifying the teeth, which are also greatly affected during advanced age. Cashews are also excellent for contributing to the formation of collagen.

4. They are powerful antioxidants for our cells

In advanced ages it is important to consume antioxidant foods because they delay cell aging and prevent the damage caused by free radicals to which our body is exposed. Nuts contain antioxidants such as vitamin E and selenium that help keep our body in good condition and prevent degenerative diseases such as cancer.

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5. Source of energy and healthy fats

The healthy fats They are essential for the nutrition of the elderly, in order to give them the energy and vitality they need. For this purpose, dried fruits are excellent because they contain polyunsaturated fats They also help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

6. They favor the nervous system and memory

Nuts such as walnuts and hazelnuts are ideal for improve nervous systemwhile he helps you keep the hormone balance. This supports brain health and improves mood, as well as optimizing cognitive processes of learning and memory.

Your content of phosphorus and magnesium It is critical to maintaining brain health. In this way, nuts are allies of the geriatric diet to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cognitive dementia.

7. They help maintain a healthy weight

For older adults it is very important to maintain a Healthy weight, because obesity complicates and generates various pathologies such as diabetes or joint and back discomfort. Also, nuts like Brazil nuts help balance the thyroid.

Therefore, the fiber content present in nuts, in addition to regulating intestinal transit and preventing constipation, it also maintains a healthy weight by causing a satiating effect and combating anxiety.

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