6 considerations to develop the miracle question

The question of the miracle is an invitation for people to move from a thought and story saturated with the problem to imagining what their life would be like when this situation is resolved: it is, in short, a leap of faith.

But its exercise is not easy for people. It requires the collaboration of the therapist to create the necessary conditions so that people are ready to begin imagining a future tailored to their needs and dreams. Some people need more time and assistance than others to answer the question, so these 6 considerations may be helpful if we are just getting started or want to improve this particular way of doing things. be in the language.

  1. Speak slowly and kindly: With a soft tone of voice that can offer people peace of mind and confidence to move from the problem to the solution.
  2. It marks the beginning of the process of building solutions: By introducing the miracle question as a strange and unusual but tremendously useful question for therapy, the process can be clearer.
  3. Take breaks: In order to give the person time to understand the question and be able to design their answer from their own experience and opportunities.
  4. Use future-directed questions: Since the question seeks a projection into the future, through a specific image, use these questions: “What would be different?” “What would be the first signs of the miracle?” “What would I change?” “What would be better?”
  5. Emphasize this phrase: “A miracle has happened and the problem that brought you here has disappeared, it is resolved…”. Because in this way we begin the transition towards a conversation free of the problem.
  6. Again: what would be different?: When people, after beginning to narrate what would happen in the event of a miracle, return to talking and focusing on the problem, we can gently shift their attention again to what would be different in their lives if the miracle occurred or that problem were resolved, through from the question: “And what would be different?”

The miracle question is an opening movement toward building solutions and problem-free conversations. When people initially give an answer that does not fit the conditions of a perfect future or well-formed goals, the miracle question can invite people to share their vision of a more satisfying life, with descriptions that ultimately reflect the characteristics of well-formed objectives.

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Jorge Ayala is the author of the renowned blog, a space where you will find articles and publications to download about brief therapy based on solutions.