6 alarming colors in stool

Feces are solid waste that are considered one of the most relevant physiological needs, as they become a form of purification.

According to its shape, consistency, regularity, but above all the colors of the feces, certain aspects of the health of the individual in question can be deduced.

What is normal stool like?

The feces that are considered normal are those that, in general, measure between 14 and 30 centimeters long, are soft, but at the same time compact, expelled in whole pieces and whose stench is not excessively strong.

Sometimes feces are discarded in a different way, such as in small balls or slightly doughier pieces. And although these characteristics are not ideal, they could fall within the normal range.

However, what draws the most attention about the stool is when there are changes in its color, which are normally , since this is the greatest indication that something may not be right.

Stool Color Meanings

  • Yellow. It may be associated with celiac disease, which is an intestinal infection, conditions in the pancreas or absorption problems in the small intestine.
  • Green. Most commonly, this color is due to antibiotic treatment, although it is sometimes attributed to irritable bowel syndrome or insufficient digestion of bile.
  • Clay. There are several causes that lead to clayey stools, including an obstruction in the bile ducts or the after effects of gastroenteritis.
  • Red. Reddish stools indicate the presence of blood, which may be due to bleeding in the area, ulcerative colitis, or even infections.
  • Grey/white. When feces are expelled in these colors, it is often due to diseases of the gallbladder or liver.
  • Black/dark. These colors may be connected to the consumption of iron supplements, for example, during pregnancy, but they could also be due to internal bleeding from the digestive system.
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