5 recipes for organic soaps that you can make at home

Nothing is as simple as going to the supermarket and buying everything you need, but many of the products you buy you don’t even imagine you could make yourself, like soaps.

The industrialization of everything we consume completely distances us from production processes and that has some disadvantages. The first is that we know very little about how the things we use every day are made. The second is that we do not know the ingredients used and where they come from. The sum of both leads us to the third: we have no idea what the environmental and health consequences of using the products we buy every day are.

Making your own soaps can be simple, fun, and has several benefits. Firstly, you save on plastic and cardboard packaging, helping to generate less. They also do not contain artificial fragrances or chemicals that irritate your skin. On the other hand, you can adapt them to your tastes and needs, choosing the smell, the healthy properties of your soap and even the color and texture. Finally, these homemade soaps are ecological because they use natural raw materials and do not contain petroleum derivatives, which are highly polluting. Learn to make yours, you won’t regret it.

For the base of any of the soaps

You will need:

Glycerin tablets, natural colorants and various essential oils.

What you have to do:

Melt the glycerin in a double boiler in a container that you will only use to make soap. Stir it well while it heats to break up any bubbles. When it is melted and thick, remove it from the heat. Add the chosen coloring to taste. Next add the essential that will give unique properties to your soap, remember that you only need a few drops. You can add a little olive oil which will make your soap especially moisturizing. When the mixture is finished, pour it into silicone molds. You can use any figure you like in the mold. Then let them cool and harden. You can put them in the refrigerator to speed up the process. When they are hard, carefully remove them from the molds and they are ready to use.

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Relaxing soap

Use a few drops of lavender essential oil and eucalyptus oil. Decorate with purple food coloring and a eucalyptus leaf that you can dip into the mold while the soap is not yet hard.

Energizing soap

Use a few drops of orange essential oil and a little clove essential oil. The smell is delicious and the orange will brighten your morning. Decorate with a strip of orange peel and food coloring in a color you like.

Disinfectant soap

Very effective for taking care of the skin. Use tea tree essential oil. Decorate with green or blue food coloring. You can also use it to wash wounds and burns or to help improve oily skin.

Soaps for winter

A delicious combination can be cloves, apple, cinnamon and ginger. Use these four oils and brown vegetable coloring. The smell will immediately take you back to the holidays.

But if what you want is to take care of your respiratory tract, mix ginger, eucalyptus, thyme and lemon. The smells of these oils will help you decongest and you will feel much better.