5 emotional wounds from childhood that mark you forever

We all have a past. And although this no longer exists, the painful experiences lived in childhood mark our character, they leave their mark.

Five emotional wounds from childhood that leave their echo in the future

Childhood is a vital stage that conditions us for the rest of our days. There are relatively happy and stable childhoods, but almost all of us have experienced a situation that has marked us on some occasion. What is the trace that these childhood emotional wounds leave us for the future?

1. The fear of abandonment

Those who have experienced abandonment in their childhood consider loneliness as their greatest enemy.. It marked them so much that they are constantly vigilant so as not to be left alone, which is why on many occasions they will take the initiative to abandon others for fear of reliving the experience, as a protection mechanism.

His biggest fear is facing a separationin such a way that relationships are experienced with doses of insecurity, fear and mistrust, being more vulnerable to the creation of bonds of affective dependency.

  • How to heal the wound: Working on the fear of loneliness, the fear of being rejected and the invisible barriers to physical contact. It is the inner child, and not the adult, who fears being left, so you have to embrace him so that he feels safe and is gradually able to enjoy his moments of solitude.

2. The fear of rejection

It is one of the deepest wounds because it implies the rejection of our thoughts and experiences.. It has its origin in experiences of non-acceptance by parents, close relatives or equals as the child grows.

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When a child receives signs of rejection, the seed of self-hatred grows within him. and he thinks that he is not worthy of loving or being loved, interpreting everything that happens to him through the filter of his wound. The slightest criticism will cause him suffering, and to make up for it, he will need recognition and approval from others.

  • How to heal the wound: Beginning to value and recognize himself, ignoring the messages that the internal critic sends him, coming from his childhood.

3. The wound of humiliation

This wound opens when the child feels that his parents disapprove and criticize him, directly affecting his self-esteem.especially when ridiculed.

Build a dependent personality that he is willing to do anything to feel useful and valid, which contributes to further feed his wound, since if others do not recognize him, he will not either.

Who has suffered humiliation He has difficulties expressing himself and is a specialist in lowering himself. He considers himself much smaller and less important than he really is, forgetting his own needs.

  • How to heal the wound: Humiliation stands as a heavy emotional load on the back that needs to be released through forgiveness towards the people who hurt him, making peace with the past.

4. Betrayal or fear of trust

It arises when the child has felt betrayed by one of his parents because he has not fulfilled a promise. This situation will generate feelings of isolation and mistrust that can sometimes turn into envy, because the child does not feel worthy of what was promised and what other people have.

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This emotional wound builds a strong personality.in which the need for control predominates to ensure fidelity and loyalty, which often does not allow others to breathe.

  • How to heal the wound: You have to work on patience, tolerance, trust and the delegation of responsibilities to others.

5. Injustice

This emotional wound originates when the parents are cold and rigid, with an authoritarian and disrespectful education towards the children.. The constant demand will generate feelings of ineffectiveness, uselessness and the feeling of injustice.

This emotional wound generates rigid adults that they will not be able to negotiate or maintain dialogues with different opinions. Their intentions will revolve around gaining power and importance, being fans of order and perfectionism.

  • How to heal the wound: The way to heal is to work on mental rigidity, cultivating flexibility and trust towards others.