30 FAMILY VALUES: what they are, what they are and examples

Every time we have thought that the families of our friends or close acquaintances are different from ours, we usually end up reflecting on the reason for their priorities. Families form a system of values ​​that is generally transmitted from generation to generation, a system that allows them to evaluate the most appropriate and healthy ways to achieve interpersonal and intrapersonal coexistence.

In this Psychology-Online article we share with you What are family values: what are they and examples.

What are family values

Family values ​​are precepts, norms or agreements that guide the members of each family to have a harmonious, fluid and balanced coexistence. Generally, family values ​​are based on various concepts of love. Love as the basis of different relationships usually leads to a coexistence of tolerance, mutual growth, respect, solidarity and empathy. That is, family values direct attitudes, interests and thoughts towards human development.

As Ramos explains, boys and girls need to be educated based on the existence of clear, well-configured values ​​with a coherence that gives them credibility. Double speech or double life cannot exist here because experiences are transmitted and lived. On the other hand, children learn from home even when their parents have no intention of doing so due to the powerful factor of imitation.

The notion of good and evil is not something innate in children; it is adults, with their way of approving or disapproving certain attitudes, who will propose the rules. For example, from the age of 3, good is what makes mom happy and calm and bad is what makes her angry; This is how the child’s moral conscience is born. In the following article you will find more information about the .

Defining family values ​​for children

Family values ​​are all those recommendations that our parents have given us at certain times or recommendations on how we should behave with our friends, family and neighbors. It is also all the advice that they give us on how to deal with the things that worry us, make us sad or upset.

Many times family values ​​guide us to respect any living being, including schoolmates, friends, siblings, cousins, teachers, animals, nature and any other person we know. That attitude of respect that family values ​​teach us allows us to accept and promote the freedom of every living being.

List of family values

The most important family values ​​are the following:

  1. Solidarity.
  2. I respect.
  3. Tolerance.
  4. Empathy.
  5. Resilience.
  6. Honesty.
  7. Courage.
  8. Responsibility.
  9. Gratitude.
  10. Goodness.
  11. Trust.
  12. Justice.
  13. Freedom.
  14. Compassion.
  15. Conviction.
  16. Modesty.
  17. Modesty.
  18. Patience.
  19. Discipline.
  20. Sorry.
  21. Independence.
  22. Loyalty.
  23. Altruism.
  24. Commitment.
  25. Perseverance.
  26. Self-control.
  27. Friendship.
  28. Doubt.
  29. Passion.
  30. Love.

If you want to know more about other types of values, in the following article you will find information about the 20.

Examples of family values

Finally, it is important to be aware that family values ​​teach us to live with our peers, although without a doubt we are not all the same. Below we leave you some examples of how to apply family values ​​in our lives:

  • Solidarity and equity: We are not all the same nor have we lived the same experiences. A child who has grown up in a community far removed from the city with few services at home (for example, electricity and water) will be relatively limited in some aspects in relation to another who has grown up in the metropolis (with more services and access than facilitate their development); both children despite differences in their performance (social, academic, emotional, cognitive, and so on). Both express the same interest in growing, so solidarity guides us towards supporting the interests of both. A child who learns that there will be notable differences in people will know that this does not correspond to the exception of the practice of family values.
  • Gratitude: the learning of this family value is observed, for example, in those moments where the child is taught the corresponding social skills – especially in recognizing how important a person and his or her efforts are – guiding him or her to practice verbal and bodily gestures. (a hug, a handshake and its corresponding articulation). Here we explain.
  • Empathy: An example from childhood of this family value is the frequent attitude of the child when he observes one of his classmates or a little brother crying and he approaches to ask – What’s wrong? – and maybe a few pats on the back too. Empathy allows the human being – and in this case the child – to try to understand the emotional life and everything else that happens in the people, events and animals that surround them.
  • Friendship: From childhood we must be able to learn the value of friendship, mutual affection and the loyalty that is born from contact with others.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. Maria Ramos. (2000). To educate in values. theory and practice. UC Edition.
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