3 prayers to Saint Cajetan so that bread and work never lack


3 prayers to ask Saint Cajetan

Prayer I

Oh glorious Saint Cajetan! Acclaimed by all Nations; Father of Providence, because with portentous miracles you help those who call upon you with faith in their needs. I beg you to obtain timely help from the Lord in my present anguish and let this be proof of eternal blessedness. Amen.

Holy Trinity Oh Divine Providence! Grant me your clemency, for your infinite goodness, kneeling at your plants, to you portent of all charity, I ask you for a house, clothing and sustenance for my loved ones.

Grant us health, lead us on the right path, may it always be the virtue that guides our destiny. You are all my hope, you are my comfort, I believe in You, I trust in You. Your Divine Providence extends to every moment so that we never lack a home, clothing, sustenance and the Holy Sacraments at the last moment.


Prayer II

Glorious Saint Cajetan, acclaimed by all peoples, father of providence because you help with great miracles those who call upon you in their needs: I come to your altar, begging that you present to the Lord the wishes that I trustfully deposit in your hands.

(Here the thanks you wish to obtain are expressed)

May these graces, which I now ask of you, help me to always seek the Kingdom of God and His Justice, knowing that God (who dresses the flowers of the field with beauty and feeds the birds of the sky with lavishness) will give me the rest of the things addition. Amen.

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Prayer III

Oh glorious Saint Cayetano Father of Providence!, do not allow me to lack subsistence in my house and from your liberal hand I ask you for alms in temporal and human matters.

Oh glorious Saint Cajetan!, Providence, Providence, Providence.

(Here you ask for the grace you want to achieve)

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory