25 Photos That Prove Animals Are Amazing at Taking Selfies

As a fashion, self-portraits or selfies continue to dominate the world of social networks to have conclusive proof of having met someone or having carried out an interesting activity and hobby. It is a trend that has increasingly required a certain creativity when taking the photograph, editing it and placing a copy or transcendental phrase on it. However, what happens if it is a member of the animal kingdom who, consciously or unconsciously, decides to be part of this photographic trend?

Unlike human selfies, which can provoke admiration, animal self-portraits generate a kind of tenderness and emotion: a mix between emotionality and surprise. The question arises then, if animals are living beings loaded with instinct without reasoning, how do they manage to carry out a purely human activity?

The answer lies with Allan Dixon, a self-proclaimed “animal whisperer” photographer, who spends time with each of the creatures he photographs to gain their trust and, at the right moment, fires the camera. There is also the case of photographer David Slater, who, on a trip to Indonesia, left his camera for a few moments and upon his return found that a macaque monkey had used his electronic device with some charming photos.

Below we share 25 animal selfies. Which ones have you found?

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