24 most colorful letters for Santa Claus

Santa Claus, or called by other names, such as Old Easter or Saint Nicholas, is in charge of bringing gifts to good children around the world at Christmas, fulfilling the same role as .

However, to deliver the gifts that the little ones want, it is essential that precisely the children send a letter to Santa Claus to indicate what type of toys or other objects they want to receive under the tree.

What to write in the letter to Saint Nicholas?

Santa Claus, or also known as Santa Claus, is one of the most beloved Christmas characters, since he is the one in charge of giving gifts to children on Christmas Day, and may inspire you to write to him with the following documents or with the possibility to take directly these written letters:

Sample letter to Santa Claus

Dear Santa Claus,

My name is , and I am writing to tell you that this year 2023 I have been a good child: I had good grades at school, I listen to my parents and I am a good person.

That’s why I would like to ask for a gift for this Christmas, because it is about. I ask this with great enthusiasm, and I would love to see it under the tree. Nothing would make me happier.

Thank you so much,

Sample letter addressed to Santa

Dear Santa Claus,

Hello, my name is , and I am writing this letter to notify you that I have been the best of children and to make a special request of you. I would love for you to give me a gift.

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Just thinking about that gift fills me with happiness, so I hope that it is within your means to be able to send it to me this Christmas 2023, something that I will be very grateful for.

He says goodbye,

Letter to send to Santa Claus

To: Santa Claus


First things first, it makes me very happy to write to you that this year I have been a better than good child, I have been an excellent child, well.

I knew from the beginning of the year that in order to receive my gift this Christmas 2023, I had to behave in the best way, and I have strived for it every day.

It is for this reason that I would love to ask you for a gift. It is the gift I want the most, because I know I could have a lot of fun and learn too.

I thank you in advance and I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Templates to download letters to Santa Claus

It is well known that it is important to tell Santa Claus what gift or gifts they want, and the best thing to do for this is to do it through a beautiful and colorful card, as you have the following options, which are easy to download for print and deliver to be sent:

Tips for writing your letter to Santa Claus

To correctly write a letter to Old Easter, it is recommended to keep certain key points in mind, such as the following:

  • Letterhead. The first thing is always the letterhead, where the date, city and country where you are writing are placed.
  • The positive. Speak honestly about the positive aspects of your behavior, good actions, among others.
  • Gifts. Indicate which gift you would most like to receive, but also indicate alternatives with a list.
  • Say goodbye. To properly close the letter, the only thing missing is a cordial and brief farewell.
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