23 Curiosities about the most interesting colors

The colors are always there, and can vary in hundreds and thousands of ways, allowing us to delight just by opening our eyes and seeing them.

The best thing is that we can continue enjoying them in another way, with some of the curiosities about colors that you probably didn’t know.

Most people’s favorite color

If we asked you what your favorite color is, what would you answer? If you say it is the , you should know that it is the favorite color of the vast majority of people, according to statistics.

The colors of mourning are different by culture

Black is the most accepted color when we talk about mourning colors, at least in the West. White, for its part, is the most common in oriental culture. While blue and purple are used in countries like Syria and Thailand.

Why is the peace flag white?

White flags were usually used to indicate to enemies during periods of war that they were leaving in peace, and in the case of a battle, to indicate surrender. The color white was chosen because it was the easiest fabric to get.

Taxis are yellow for a good reason

Yellow was chosen as the color for taxis because it attracts more attention among other vehicles, making it easy for users to identify them to request their services.

Diseases related to colors

One of the most common diseases related to colors is color blindness, which is the deficiency in vision in seeing colors, such as red and green in this case. Tritanomaly is the inability to differentiate colors such as blue and yellow. Achromatopsia and monochromatopsia is the total lack of color perception.

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Primary colors Yellow, blue and red?

The primary colors known are yellow, blue and red, according to the RYB color model. However, in the CMYK system, the primaries are cyan, magenta, yellow and black, and in the RGB system, they are red, green and blue.

Green ink for dollar bills

The fact that all the bills representing the American dollar are green is no coincidence. The United States decided to use green ink for its banknotes because this is the most chemical resistant color.

Colorful invention by Isaac Newton

There is no doubt that Isaac Newton was a genius in his time, and in the current era he is also considered as such. One of the most notable curiosities about colors is that among his most useful inventions is the color wheel, which makes it easier to understand the colors we see in a more appropriate way.

Bulls don’t hate red

We have always been led to believe that bulls hate red, and that is why they get angry when they see it, an idea widespread in bullfighting. However, bulls attack anything that moves regardless of color, since they really perceive few colors.

Black… Is it really a color?

The color black can be classified as one of the achromatic type, although it is also considered as a tone absent of light, so it does not reflect color.

Pink only for women

Pink is a beautiful color that is closely associated with the feminine, so in years past, it was only accepted for girls and women to use it in their clothing and so on. It was not until 1965 onwards, that thanks to liberal movements, this fact changed, now being used by men without this necessarily indicating a homosexual orientation.

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The phobia of colors is called chromatophobia

There are phobias of all kinds, some more common than others, but it is chromatophobia or chromophobia, the irrational fear of certain colors. Those who suffer from this phobia present symptoms such as nausea, panic, anxiety and difficulty breathing when seeing specific ones.

Colors provoke emotions

Whether we realize it or not, colors have power over our emotions, it is not for nothing that there is a field of study called . For example, green generates hope and orange generates excitement in those who see it.

There are more colors than we see

The number of colors that the vast majority of people see are many more than can be named, but of the colors that truly exist, it is not possible for the human eye to see them all. The human eye’s frequencies of red and white light, as well as yellow and blue light, cancel each other out, causing us to miss certain colors and tones.

Origin of the term blue blood

Surely you associate the term blue blood with kings, princes and royalty in general. This has its reason, since that is what people who did not do heavy work in the sun were called, and therefore, their skin was very white, reflecting veins of an almost bluish tone.

The first name of a color was ‘red’

It is said that the first color to have a name was red, and although it is not 100% confirmed, it could be right as this is a word derived from Latin, rŭssum, related at the same time to the Proto-Indo-European reudh.

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Men and women see colors differently

Women are more capable, according to the results of scientific studies, carried out by researchers at the University of Arizona, of interpreting more colors in the chromatic range thanks to a specific gene they possess compared to men.

Color intended for prisoners

If you walk down the street and there is a person in a full orange suit, you will definitely stand out. This was the intention when establishing orange as the costume of prisoners in the world’s prisons.

Color in more food companies

We talk about the color yellow, since studies show that it is a color capable of generating hunger. It is not surprising that he is the protagonist or has participation in fast food logos such as McDonald’s, Burger King, SubWay and Pizza Hut.

Using red to complement yellow

Many times restaurants, brands or establishments use yellow for what it generates, complementing it with red, because it stimulates the appetite.

Bright colors to survive

Some animals and plants use bright colors as a defense or attraction mechanism. For example, the bright colors of some frogs and butterflies act as a warning to predators not to eat them, while flowers attract pollinators with bright colors, contributing to the process of life.

The hottest and coolest color

The color black tends to absorb more light and therefore gives off more heat than other colors. Therefore, in hot climates, it is recommended to wear lighter colored clothing to stay cool, since white reflects it instead of absorbing it.

Rainbows are formed by white light

The colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, which come from white light, and are visible only when they decompose.