21 SEX GAMES to change your routine – Do you dare?

When talking about sexuality as a couple, it is necessary to take into account that there are different ways of living it. Do you feel like you and your partner are falling into a routine? Do you think you need to innovate? Don’t worry. In this Psychology-Online article, we will show you 21 sexual games to change your routine. While it is true that routine inevitably comes to life as a couple, the problem arises when that routine is boring and is not altered even by chance. We need the vitality and energy that gives life to sexuality as a couple.

Don’t forget that sex in a relationship is as important as communication or trust. So get ready to discover the most varied and fun ways to fan the flame. The best option to achieve this are the erotic and sexual games offered by Diversual.com, your trusted online Sex Shop. Keep reading to find out the best sex games to surprise your partner!

The dice

An ideal game to start with is dice, whatever size you prefer. The important thing is what is written on them. The names of different people must be written on one of the dice. body partsespecially erogenous zones, while the other die must indicate various activities such as kiss, bite, touchetc.

The game consists of one throwing both dice at the same time and, immediately afterwards, doing what is indicated with your partner. For example: Neck (die No. 1) – Bite (die No. 2). In this way, you can play with the random ideas that the dice present, and you can even let your imagination fly.

You can make these dice yourself or buy them from the leading online erotic store in Spain in the erotic toy sector. whose objective is to help normalize sexuality and the use of erotic toys as something natural and beneficial, regardless of whether we are in a relationship or not.

New postures

Another sexual game idea to change your routine is to try new positions. Although it is constantly recommended, it seems necessary to remember it. Try new positions in sex, because this expands the range of possibilities and gives the opportunity to find pleasure with your partner in ways that you may not have known about.

Fulfill sexual fantasies

Another of the sexual games as a couple are fantasies. If you’ve had good communication with your partner, you’ve probably talked before about things you’d like to do or have done to you during sex. If you haven’t talked about it openly, it’s time to do so. A couple achieves stability when they achieve harmony, not only in the emotional area, but also in the sexual dimension. Furthermore, sex is not just about intercourse or penetration. It’s about mutual trust, which strengthens the foundations of a relationship.

That said, it can be wonderful for the relationship to dare to fulfill sexual fantasies to get out of the routine with your partner. These are probably activities that involve strange objects or places or uncommon, but it is precisely about enjoying and share those oddities with your special someone. The essential thing is that you don’t hurt yourself or anyone else.

role play

Role-playing bed games are the perfect tool. Basically, it is about imitating characters and simulating situations in which you are the protagonists. The perfect opportunity to imitate a scenario that excites you and causes pleasure. It is suggested that role plays involve things, objects or accessories that give that realistic touch to the illusion that you are both creating, from clothing to toys that stimulate your imagination.


If you are wondering how to surprise your partner in bed, you should know that this is one of the best games to achieve it. If you like to fully enjoy your partner’s attention or are attracted to the idea of ​​dancing and movement, striptease is a trick that can’t fail.

It is not necessary to be professional dancers, just let yourself be carried away by the music that you choose and some suggestive hip movements to induce your partner in that passionate atmosphere they need. In this case, not only the music you use matters, but also the lighting in the room, the smell, you can add the air freshener of your choice that perfects the moment. Remember that the sexual act is not just penetration, every sense counts.


Among the best sexual things to get out of the routine are toys. The world of sex toys is very diverse, there are for men and women, with different textures, colors, uses and flavors. If there is something that can raise libido more, it is exploration and that is one of the functions of sex toys.

Many people are ashamed to resort to them, either due to prejudices or taboos, but these toys have among their purposes the enjoyment of a couple. An idea to start interacting with sex toys is go to the Sex shop with your partner. Among so much diversity, you might be curious about some of these objects. Remember to always use them with caution.

His body is your table

Another sexual idea to surprise your partner, since it is known that food or the excuse to eat works as a bridge between people. It serves to share moments while strengthening personal relationships. There are foods, both sweet and salty, that have been described as aphrodisiacs, including chocolate, seafood, strawberries, etc.

Now that you know which one is your favorite, you just have to find a table to enjoy it and how about your partner’s body? What better combination? Delight yourself with those aphrodisiac flavors on your partner’s skin while he/she also enjoys your caresses.


As mentioned above, the five senses play a very important role. This game consists of inviting your lover to, once in bed, close her eyes, so that you can delicately rub a piece of ice on your skin, interspersed with kisses and appropriate caresses, whether on his back, his legs, his abdomen or wherever you prefer. You could also do it with something a little high temperature, being careful not to burn. The idea is to provoke different sensations through the sense of touch.

Dinner/Naked Cooking

How to surprise your partner at home? There are many daring things to do as a couple. What if you just wear an apron? This would be a surprise way to prepare and dine with that super special person you share your life with. You can prepare a aphrodisiac entry to prepare before the main course.

tantric sex

By now you will have read a lot of information about games or activities that largely involve the sense of touch, but if you or your partner are attracted to new experiences, tantric sex is ideal. It’s a different way of living sexorgasm and enjoy each other.

Although this practice is rare, there are those who find great pleasure in it. In general terms, it is about both, separately, being aware of the here and now in relation to their body and mind. Once achieved and being very close to each other, connecting some parts of their body such as their hands, their chest, they must let all that sexual energy flow and exchange through some breathing, rhythm and muscle relaxation techniques. It is even estimated that it is possible to achieve orgasm without penetration through this ritual.

He gives added value and is nothing other than that connection, the awareness of his energy and his sexual drives. One of the things that is pursued is to enjoy sexual pleasure, avoiding genital expectations for enjoyment, so special attention is paid to observing and loving the other person’s body like a sacred temple. It should be noted that this ritual has the use of aromatic oils, relaxation music, breathing techniques and muscle relaxationamong others.

Naked yoga

Yoga is a deep meditation and relaxation practice closely related to tantric sex. It is certainly a more in-depth discipline, however, if you are a yogi or consider yourself a flexible person, you could wait for your partner practicing an asana quite provocative. You just need to enlighten yourself, do some pre-stretching and focus on yourself and what is about to begin. Above all, avoid demanding more from your body.


Certainly, involving all the senses to live a complete experience is essential. However, it is also important to know when to inhibit them. That’s right, inhibiting some of your partner’s senses intentionally and at the right time can provide the element of surprise that was needed. From covering his eyes with a soft and delicate blindfold or carefully tying his hands. This will cause the person to activate her level of alertness, which will sharpen his other senses and intensify her sensations.


For this game we will only need mirrors. Use as many as you can and preferably wide ones. More than a game, this time what is sought is to flow during intercourse using the visual tool of mirrors, observing your gestures and those of your partnertheir movements and postures.

With an app

One of the sexual games to go out of routine with your partner. Your goal is for you and your partner to imitate positions that you are observing in an image that serves as a sexual stimulant. You will discover how far you can go.

By turns

Another of the sexual games to change the routine that works super well. The great thing about this classic game is that you can do it both by video call and by being together in the same room. It is about one of the members of the couple stimulates himself/herself while the other only observes him/her. This way you will be able to fuel and intensify your desire for each other until you can have intercourse.


If you want to fulfill your sexual fantasies to get out of your routine, you can use an element that is always within your reach: your mobile phone. Practice sexting with your partner, and in these times where the distance imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic is becoming more and more present and can be excitingas well as safe.

In this article you will find information about , since this practice also carries some risks.

Look for the smell or taste

In this sexual game to get out of routine, you must invite your partner to search with just his or her sense of smell to find the exact place on your body where you you sprayed some perfume or smeared some edible on yourself. Next, she must indicate it with a kiss in the place where he/she thinks it is correct. She must continue until she gets it right.

With the mouth

How to surprise your partner on a night of passion? One of the most erotic things is the moment of take off clothes. You can try to do it alone with the mouthWell, it is an interesting proposal. Try your skill with sexual games to change the routine with your partner!

From narrator to lover

Another daring idea to get out of the routine with your partner is to use another sense more: the auditory sense. Write a short story that includes part of your most… fantasies.

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