15 simple (and sophisticated) ways to get rid of the cold this winter

Feeling cold is something that, in a certain way, confronts us. On the one hand, it can be extremely uncomfortable, since it immobilizes us and places us in a state of defenselessness. But it also has something pleasant and enjoyable, perhaps because we know that at some point we will be warm, sheltered between blankets and with a cup of tea in our hands. That is why winter is not only a wonderful season full of meaning, but perhaps also the most welcoming of the year.

But the cold always takes us by surprise. And lately more so, since it seems that each winter gets colder than the previous one, which in fact is the case, and is a product of as much as it is the increase in temperature.

This year we already had the first sign of what will be a freezing winter, in the face of which we can do many things to prevent us from freezing. Some of them require us to know even a little science. But there are also other ways, simpler and more natural, with which we can get rid of the cold.

This is important, since many houses do not have heating. But also because heating, especially electric heating, is very polluting – which is why the UN recommends reducing its use as much as possible. Therefore, here we have some for you:

Natural (and original) ways to get rid of the cold

1. Warm yourself up first

Changing the temperature of an entire room is very difficult and extremely polluting; You better try to warm yourself up and stay that way. That is why an act of contemporary conscience is to dress according to the season: wear winter clothes and, if necessary, put on more layers of clothing. You can also wear thermal clothing. And don’t be overconfident: don’t take off your clothes when you get to a closed place, or you will soon die of cold.

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2. Don’t just bathe with hot water

It’s tempting to take a scalding bath. But in addition to being very unfriendly, it is not good for your body temperature. Cold water, or at least time, improves blood circulation between your skin and your organs. It also prevents you from the untimely change in temperature when you get out of the shower, which can lower your defenses.

3. Have thicker curtains for this season

Very cold comes in through the cracks in the windows. So we recommend having extra curtains that are thicker and longer, to better seal your windows and avoid those cold whistles that seem innocent, but can really cool a room. You can also install wooden Alicante blinds, which also maintain the interior heat.

4. Make more food in the oven

Perhaps it is no coincidence that at Christmas so many stews are prepared in the oven. Cooking cakes, cookies, lasagna or any dish in the oven will help you keep the house warm with heat that will not only be intended to remove the cold, such as heating.

5. Wear a hat

Sounds like mom advice. But your body actually wastes a lot of heat when the amount of blood in your ears decreases to warm the body, and you suffer from cold in the head due to this protective mechanism. That is why it is important to wear a hat, even in closed places.

6. Now yes: prepare homemade compost

You probably already make your own homemade compost, since it is very easy. But there is a good reason to do it in winter, since the microbial degradation process generates heat. You can keep a compost bin in the kitchen, which will help heat the entire home.

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7. Drink warm water all the time

You can have many delicious drinks to take away the heat, such as ginger hot chocolate or punch. But you can also drink plain warm water, which will keep you warm and help you not stop drinking water this season.

8. Feed on the sun

Sunbathing is pleasant and will fill you up, as it will regulate your mood with serotonin during the day and help you produce melatonin at night. Of course, you must be careful because, although the intensity of its rays may seem weaker in winter, it is actually as strong as ever. To warm up, take about 10 minutes of sun in the morning, and when you go out for lunch, take the opportunity to stay in the sun for the same amount of time. Do not exceed this time, at least when under direct rays.

9. Move whenever you can

Generates body heat. Shake your joints for a few minutes if you’re working seated. And walk briskly on your way to work or wherever you need to go: this will warm you up without making you sweat like jogging.

10. Use newspaper on your shoes

Newspaper is an insulator from the cold, and it couldn’t be cheaper or more environmentally friendly. You just have to line the inside of your shoes with one or two sheets, molding the paper so that it is not uncomfortable. You will see that you will get used to it and you will not suffer from cold feet again.

11. Eat nuts and chocolate

Soups, broths and all types of hot foods are what is always recommended – and craved – to get rid of the cold. But you can’t always have soup. In those cases you can have small fist-sized snacks of nuts and pieces of dark chocolate. They will help you fight the cold due to their high calorie content and polyunsaturated fats, which produce heat in the body.

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12. Enchilate

Chili pepper has a chemical called capsaicin, which is the culprit of the itching, which also works as a stimulant and will cause your body to generate heat.

13. Sleep a lot

Not enough interferes with the functioning of your circadian cycle (your biological clock), which in turn disrupts the brain’s regulatory mechanisms. As some studies have shown, this interferes with body temperature. Additionally, this causes the metabolism to slow down, resulting in less heat and slower circulation. That is why it is important to sleep for at least 7 hours, and do it well covered so that the cold does not interfere with our sleep.

14. Use your bedding wisely

You should place several layers of sheets and quilts, depending on the cold. The thinnest ones go first, and the thickest ones go on top. Although it is tempting to cover yourself with warm quilts, the truth is that it will not be as effective throughout the night, as these will transfer the cold that they will begin to accumulate to you. It is best to use them as a kind of protective shell.

15. Drink hot milk with honey before going to sleep

This remedy is delicious and will help you fall asleep, since both milk and honey have tryptophan. You can use almond milk for a lighter option. And it’s always good to have something warm before going to sleep, to help your body in the process of warming your body with the blankets.