12 bad decisions you make every day without realizing it

We all make bad decisions; The problem is that we don’t always know because we don’t stop to think about other options or the consequences, for example, of sitting for hours in front of the computer.

Perhaps you have done any of the following activities, without realizing it.and how harmful they can be to your mental and physical health. A little reflection can help you make better decisions and improve your life.

1. Do easy tasks in the morning

Don’t start with easy activities in the morning. Some researchers say that willpower declines as the day goes on, so it makes sense to work on tasks that require a lot of focus and concentration in the morning.

Others disagree that willpower is a finite resource. However, it makes practical sense to start with the most difficult tasks, because you never know what schedule conflicts will arise over the course of the day.

2. Check email constantly

Research suggests that switching from one task to another (for example, researching and searching for a new email) takes up to 40% more time than doing it once. Even when you think you’re being more productive with multitasking, you probably aren’t.

Designate specific times to check and respond to emails.

A simple solution, from psychologist Ron Friedman, is to silence your phone notifications so you don’t receive alerts, or close the email tab while you’re working on something important.

3. Choose foods that seem nutritious, but are not

Don’t believe in trends, know what you eat. For example, bottled, blended or juices may seem nutritious, but they are usually loaded with sugar and calories. In contrast, many people think that eating eggs will contribute to high cholesterol, but that is not entirely true. Find out before starting a diet and/or go to the nutritionist.

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4. Listening to (incorrect) music while working

You may feel more productive when you listen to music while you work, but you probably aren’t. Listen to music before work to relax, but not while you do it.

Journalist Shana Lebowitz of Business Insider points out that, in almost all cases, performance on intellectual tasks (thinking, reading or writing) decreases considerably when listening to music.

But really, it depends on what you hear and what task you have to do. Just as music can improve your performance (for example, when you listen to Mozart) it can also worsen it.
The exception is when performing tasks that are repetitive or monotonous, such as when working on an assembly line or driving for long periods. In that case, it is valid to listen to music to cheer yourself up.

5. Sitting for a long time

One of the disadvantages of using computers as a work tool is that they keep us sitting for too long. Working days are usually up to 8 hours in most countries, and sitting in front of a screen mainly affects your posture and eyesight.

It is important that during your sedentary work hours you stand up and walk at least every half hour to reduce the damage to the body, but also to incorporate a series of exercises that will take very little time and that in the long term could improve your health.

6. Stare at a screen for hours

According to Erin Brodwin of Business Insiderstaring at the computer all day can cause eye strain, which produces symptoms such as dryness and blurriness.

The suggestion is to apply the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This recommendation was made by Rahul Khurana, clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmologists, to Business Insider’s Kevin Loria.

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7. Passively browse social networks

Scientists say there are two different ways to use Facebook: passive and active.

Active use involves direct exchanges with others. Consider posting status updates and comments on other people’s posts. Passive use involves consuming information, such as just scrolling through the newsfeed. Most of the time, we use Facebook passively.

However, a study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General suggests that passive use of Facebook can make us feel worse, which is possibly because we feel jealous of everyone’s (seemingly) glamorous lives they broadcast publicly.

So, instead of just searching, consider sending a message to an old friend or commenting on someone’s happy photo.

8. Late sleep or staying up late

Scientists have identified a common phenomenon they call ‘bedtime procrastination’: that is, “not going to bed on schedule.”

For example, you keep watching episode after episode of a series or television show that is not that interesting.

This can be dangerous. In some cases, loss of can be as deadly as smoking. Turn off the TV and get ready for bed. You will be grateful tomorrow and years later.

9. Match with dozens of people on dating apps without messaging any of them

Online dating doesn’t have to be a game of speed: amassing as many leads as you can in the shortest time possible.

In fact, The Verge reported that Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist and chief scientific officer at Match.com, said the biggest problem with dating apps is ‘cognitive overload.’

Fisher added that “the brain is not well built to choose between hundreds or thousands of alternatives.” She advises people to stop when they have found nine potential partners.

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10. Keep your cell phone on your desk at work

It’s not enough for your phone to vibrate. In reality, turning off the phone is not even enough.

Research published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research indicates that the mere presence of a cell phone nearby can harm cognitive performance, even if you are not aware of its influence. The best solution seems to be leave your phone in another room.

11. Wait until the afternoon to take a break from work

Take a mid-morning break. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology points out that the more time that passes after the start of the workday, the less useful the break is. Breaks taken earlier in the day are more likely to replenish energy, focus, and motivation.

Interestingly, that same research found that you don’t necessarily have to engage in non-work-related activities during a break. Just make sure you do something you love and choose to do. Making progress on a work project you’re excited about could be even more restorative than browsing social media.

12. Increase the level of anger with your partner

The most powerful word to defuse a conflict is “ouch.” Are expressing vulnerability instead of putting up defenseswhile encouraging your partner to do the same.

One way to reduce conflict is to show some empathy. Tell your partner that you understand where their anger is coming from, even if you don’t yet.

* Illustrations: various artists on Pinterest