【✔️】Extensive and intensive livestock –

Livestock in Spain has been a key sector for many years and today there is much more to it. This is the fantastic primary sector, a sector from which fantastic food comes out and many of the raw materials (such as meat and milk) that the industry uses to generate a multitude of other derived products that are very common in our homes and in our famous Mediterranean diet. .

In this article on livestock, we will deal with the two major forms of livestock as we understand it in our country, defining each one of them and seeing the advantages and problems that each of the methods currently presents.

To begin with, we are going to try to define extensive and intensive livestock farming so that the reader is situated, since if he is not an expert in the matter, he will hardly be able to differentiate between one and the other.

Differences between extensive and intensive livestock

It is understood by Extense livestock farming the exploitation carried out with total or partial disposition of a territorial base with use of pastures, meadows, pastures, herbs and stubbleown, others or communal, permanently or temporarily to feed the cattle.

From the opposite interpretation of the above definition, it must be understood that if it is not extensively farmed, it will be intensive exploitation. In the latter, the cattle are not fed with the use of pastures or meadows of the territorial base available to the exploitation, which is the differentiating reason with respect to extensive exploitation. Therefore, One of the big differences is the way of life and diet that the animals have within the livestock farm.

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If we focus on intensive livestock farming, it consists of the industrialization of livestock farming. For it, the cattle are stabled, under artificially created conditions, with the aim of increasing the production of meat and other animal derivatives such as eggs, milk, wool, etc. in the shortest possible time.

This type of livestock requires large investments in facilities, technology, labor, etc. The great increase in the population in the world during the last century, together with the fact that more and more people eat and the decrease in operating costs, have meant that this type of livestock, also called industrial, has grown a lot in recent years.

Without advancing further on the subject at hand, in our area (La Mancha) most of the livestock are extensive since they are mostly La Mancha sheep that normally (especially in spring and summer) go out to graze, mainly for cereal stubble and legumes.

On the contrary, I am reminded of the large intensive calf and pig farms in the province of Segovia, where the animals do not leave the stable since their only objective is fattening. The same is the case with laying hen mega farms where the objective is to generate the highest number of eggs per day by supplying the feed inside the barn so that the animal does not have to move.

Intensive farming is more efficient, since for the same investment compared to extensive farming, it obtains a higher production with better weather. It also has greater flexibility since it adapts to market demand quickly and easily. Another characteristic of intensive livestock farming to highlight is the homogeneity in production, since it results in the equality of products between different livestock farms.

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Extensive livestock, a more ecological option

If we talk about the most important characteristics of extensive livestock farming, we can highlight the reduced energy consumption (for example diesel or electricity) for the generation of food.

This type of livestock helps to maintain the natural agro-ecosystems and the diversity to have a more favorable development of the animals. Additionally, it can help reduce erosion in arid climates.

Finally, if we focus on the quality and homogeneity of the products obtained from extensive livestock, we can affirm that this obtains higher quality products since the work is more focused on obtaining supreme quality thanks to the greater humanity in the field. I treat the animals and the most traditional processes in the elaboration of the products.

But extensive livestock farming also has its drawbacks, the most notable being the lack of adaptation on many occasions to the needs of consumers who demand another type of product, suffers from less productive efficiency and needs much more time to finish its production cycle. and the products lacking homogeneity collide with the general lines of trade.

As a conclusion, we could end by indicating that Intensive livestock farming is causing damage to the environment since it generates a large amount of waste and consumes a lot of energy resources, water, etc. on the contrary, thanks to the increase in sensitivity towards the treatment of animals, the greater concern for our health and the environment and more exhaustive information, many consumers are changing their habits, choosing more sustainable and higher quality products.

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These products undoubtedly come from extensive farming, as consumers look for labels that indicate “Organic Product”, “Organic Farming, “Artisan Product”, “Happy Chicken Eggs”. The external perfection of the food is not sought so much, but the taste and quality.

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