How to make a homemade greenhouse in a few steps

Having a greenhouse at home has many advantages, mainly it allows us to know where what we eat comes from and how organically it is produced. This is why knowing how to make a homemade greenhouse gives us the best option to control the amount of chemicals we ingest and at the same time, have a good consumption of fruits and vegetables. Another main reason to make our own greenhouse is that with this we help the environment, since some of the necessary materials can be reused and recycled.

Advantages of greenhouses

In addition to taking care of your pocketbook and being good for the environment, greenhouses offer many more advantages. Building one at home will give us advantages in all areas, from health to caring for the planet. Home greenhouses allow:

Inside the greenhouses, artificial conditions are obtained that generate greater productivity for plants in less time and with minimal cost, with the assurance that the plants are protected and we will be eating something healthy.

Materials to make a homemade greenhouse

For this project you will need little money and you can get the materials at any gardening, cultivation and tapalería store.

How to make a greenhouse at home?

With these you can have your own greenhouse in no time and without much effort. The site chosen to serve as a greenhouse does not have to be especially large to work, the trick will be that it is protected from the elements in order to have greater control of the climate within it, so if it is a small space it is always fine. and when protected from the outside.

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Follow these steps and build your homemade greenhouse in a simple way:

Take proper care of your greenhouse

Now that it is ready, remember to take good care of the temperatures inside it. In cold seasons, when temperatures do not rise above 20°C, there should be a difference of between 5 and 10 degrees Celsius with the outside. In hot times, the temperature can exhaust the plants, so we must ventilate the greenhouse during the cooler hours and spray when there is no direct sun to prevent the magnifying glass effect of the drops.

Watering the plants inside the greenhouse at the right time and with the appropriate amount of water is a key point for good harvests. Irrigation systems must keep the substrate moist and the environmental humidity between 50% and 60%. Don’t forget to properly ventilate your greenhouse to avoid air pollution problems.