Morphic fields and the mind

In this podcast, Enric Corbera talks about the consequences of not recognizing the influence we have on our environment, by perceiving ourselves as separate from others.

In this video, David Corbera explains how unity consciousness is associated with the “internal locus of control” and how changing our perspective helps us take responsibility for our lives.

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Where is the mind? The theory of morphic fields

We believed that It is in the head, but it goes beyond. To understand the nature of the mind we can use as an example objects, such as a cell phone, whose fields extend far beyond the phone itself. In the same way, the fields of our minds extend beyond our brains.

This “invisible” connection, beyond the physical substrate, has given rise to a multitude of theories throughout history. Trying to explain how we are connected to each other and to the environment has been the subject of debate and analysis. One of the most interesting theoretical approaches in this regard is Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic field hypothesis that he exposes in his book A new science for life.

Rupert Sheldrake and the theory of morphic fields

british biologist . When he worked in the Area of ​​Developmental Biology of the University of Cambridgebegan to consider that it was not possible to study biology only in terms of genes and molecules, but that there had to be a line of research from a more holistic perspective.

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In Sheldrake’s own words “We have been brought up to believe that mental activity is nothing more than brain activity. Nevertheless, I suggest that our minds extend far beyond our brains; they expand through fields that link us to our environment and to each other.

“Everything is dynamically interconnected.”

david bohm

The morphic fields of social groups connect group members even when they are many miles apartand provide communication channels through which agencies at a certain distance, therefore, they help to provide an explanation for that “invisible connection” that we can observe in nature.

What is morphic resonance?

morphic resonance it is the influence of earlier structures of activity on later similar structures of activity organized by morphic fields. Allows memories to be transmitted through space and time and from the past.

“Which means that all self-organizing systems, such as molecules, cells, crystals, plant and animal societies, have a collective memory from which individuals feed and to which they contribute.”

It seems that the so-called laws of nature are more like habits. That is, there are certain biological phenomena that are more likely to occur the more times they occur.

Or what is the same, acquired by a species would be inherited by subsequent generations. In this line of thought we could include some concepts related to the to which Jung referred in his psychoanalytic model.

«Those who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it and the same happens in family systems. What we do today, what our grandmothers did, our granddaughters and their daughters will experience it.”

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Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger

How do morphic fields work?

To understand this, Sheldrake cites as an example a with rats conducted at Harvard during the 1920s and which lasted for several decades. Rats learned to escape from a water maze, and subsequent generations learned faster and faster.

After the rats had learned to escape 10 times faster at Harvard, they found that the Edinburgh and Melbourne rats began to escape just as well as the Harvard rats. And this effect was not limited to the offspring of the trained rats but to the entire .

Morphic fields and behavior

For Sheldrake, the keyword is “habit”. Through habits, morphogenetic fields vary their structure and promote structural changes.

What follows is that if one individual of a species learns a new ability, it will be easier for all of that species to learn it, because the ability “resonates” with everyone, no matter how far away they are.

“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.”

Albert Einstein

Bioneuroemotion and Morphic Resonance

morphic fields they argue that the more often particular patterns of activity are repeated, the more habitual their reproductions tend to be.

This is because they carry a built-in memory given by auto-resonance with the very past of a morphic unit and by morphic resonance with all previous similar systems. This memory is cumulative.

In a session at Bioneuroemotion, when a person specifies their conflict, the “resonance” is sought in the family tree. The it could occur in this “morphic field” because there is a common memory shared by all members of the clan even if they have not lived in the same space-time.

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The Bioneuroemotion method it is based on the observation about how the programs of our ancestors are expressed in the following generations and how these programs have a sense and a logic that is beyond the comprehension of the dual mind.

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