happiness at work

Know the keys to achieve happiness at workenhancing your professional development and emotional well-being.

The word worked It comes from the Latin tripalium, name given to the instrument of torture made up of three sticks to which the prisoner was tied. This concept, which carries such a negative connotation from its origins, is what we use to name the activity to which we dedicate at least half of our life.

review the that we have in relation to work is the first step to start the path towards labor well-being and professional development. In this article we will share 5 keys to learn to achieve happiness at work, so you can create a full and healthy life.

In this episode we will see the importance of knowing how to manage the conflicts that we experience in the workplace. Understanding that any conflict can become an opportunity for personal and professional development, if we approach it from the perspective of unity awareness.

In this conference, Enric Corbera shares some keys and strategies to be happy at workdeveloping the consciousness of unity through the application of the Bioneuroemotion method on a daily basis.

If you want to know more about the la method and how to apply it in your life to increase your emotional well-being, follow our social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

Work: preliminary considerations

Why don’t you get happiness at work?

First of all we must be aware that work is nothing more than another system or group of which we are part. Simply another scenario of human life experience.

As such, it will require us to assume a role, some responsibilities and develop certain skills and abilities. These will allow us adapt to the group system to be able to contribute to the final objective of the organization without putting our well-being at stake.

As in any other relational context (family, friends), at work we will face situations that we like more and others that we would prefer to avoid.

“Conflict is the beginning of consciousness”

Esther Harding

We will have the opportunity to for pleasure and self-interest, but we will also need to know how to manage those relationships that we must maintain in order to carry out our work in a more pleasant and efficient way.

From Bioneuroemoción we understand that at work, as in life, nothing is accidental, everything is casual. We have the job we have and experience the difficulties we experience in this environment For something.

conflict is the teacher

that we experience at work is to invite us to review, reflect and finally learn something about ourselves. Many people wonder: What does this “conflict” have to do with me? The answer is: everything.

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To obtain happiness at work it is necessary to abandon the belief that there is somebody either anything else -out there – guilty of having created the conflicting situation.

Every conflict is the result of an interpretation of something that happens in our lives. The negative emotional charge that we attribute to this lived experience is nothing more than the way in which we have chosen to perceive the situation.

Accepting this idea implies assume ourselves creators of the “conflict”which in turn allows us to free ourselves from it.

He who wants to be constant in happiness must change frequently.”

Anthony De Mello

Developing emotional well-being in a work context consists of choose to look againNo judgment, : what we perceive as stress is telling us what we should review about .

The conflict is presented as an opportunity to pursue personal growth.

Five keys to happiness at work

1- What do you understand by being happy?

It is very common to talk about happiness as something that can be sought and therefore found there, outside, somewhere. However, the fact that the same situation can be lived with joy by some and with great disgust by others, makes it clear that it is not something that can be found outside of being.

Another great myth about happiness is that of linking it with living “free of ”. From this perspective, almost unconsciously, we have learned to judge conflicts, sadness, fear and crises Like the “great annihilators of happiness”.

Learn from what doesn’t happen to you

We believe that being sad or angry is being bad, it is not being happy.

However, to know recognize and experience a wide range of feelings and emotionsalthough we dislike them, is what allows us to effectively regulate our emotional states.

In this way, we can avoid carrying out harmful strategies to handle situations that overwhelm us.

In the dual world it is essential to experiment to understand what each thing is: feeling sadness allows us to recognize joy; we must know what it is not to have to value what we do; we must know disorder to learn the importance of order

We need disarm and lose ourselves – going through the crisis- to meet again and create a new, improved version of ourselves.

Happiness at work and in life is a choice

In order to be happy at work, we must stop conceiving happiness as an end, to start thinking of it as an attitude with which we must walk the path.

happiness is the choice of ; in the repetitive task, an invitation to develop creativity; in those colleagues with whom we have disagreements, teachers who challenge us to self-inquire in order to get to know ourselves better.

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It is not about finding what fills us, but about seeking fullness in everything we do.

2 – Take responsibility for your own well-being or happiness

work and projection

Stress triggers in the world of work are never caused by what others (co-workers, bosses, partners, employees) do or don’t do. but rather in the story we have told ourselves about that situation perceived as a conflict in which there may be another involved.

It means starting to understand that what I perceive of the other is nothing more than a projection of my unconscious.

“Everything that irritates us about others can help us understand ourselves”

Carl Jung

In the process of personality formation, each person chooses to identify with some qualities and exercise some behaviors. In the same election process, he refuses to identify himself with other qualities and intends not to exercise other behaviors.

Everything that it rejects, that was somehow judged as negative, will be relegated to .

When we experience an event that generates stress for the other, we must start from question what we have interpreted about what is perceived:

What exactly has bothered me?

What does that person, whom I have judged guilty of causing the conflict, do or say to make me react in this way?

Assume your responsibility as a creator

Learning to describe while sticking to the concrete facts allows unlink what happened from our interpretation and, consequently, being able to perceive the event in a different way: separated from the negative emotion to which it was previously associated.

To experience happiness at work, it is essential to take responsibility for your own well-being, but also and above all for your discomfort.

Therefore, if you suddenly find yourself judging or blaming someone or something for what happened, or repeating phrases like “The same thing always happens to me”either “He has something with me”begin by daring to think from the consciousness of unity and :

What is this happening to me for?

What can I learn about myself based on this situation?

How do I choose to respond to similar situations from now on?

3- Get rid of beliefs that prevent you from growing

the shadow of work

They are ideas about how the world is, how it works and how one should act in the different circumstances of life. They are subjective truths from which we give meaning to what happens to us. Beliefs are limiting perception and therefore tyrannical of our actions.

In relation to work, it exists in the collective unconscious the widespread belief that work involves suffering. We previously mentioned that even the etymological origin of the term is associated with torture.

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Beyond this, many people have grown up seeing relatives abandon their dreams and resign their lives to keep a job that did not satisfy them and even suffered, to be able to “take the bread home” and give your family the opportunity to access a better future.

These experiences will have gestated in many of them, for example, a feeling of grief, which will have led them to unconsciously believe that, just like their parents or grandparents, “a responsible adult must work sacrificially to fulfill his family”.

inheritance and shadow

This information that has been it will be experienced by each person in different ways.

Possibly it will have prevented many from being able to just consider the possibility of choosing an alternative path: that of to be happy with and in the job they choose.

At the same time, others will have experienced unhappiness and dissatisfaction even successfully developing the desired job or profession. Why? because in all of them there is an underlying belief, still unconscious, which continues to act as a filter for the perception of reality without even being able to notice it.

The dangerous thing about beliefs is that they are so subtle that silently condition our decisions and actions.

Question every thought that stops your flight. of all the limitations related to work, which the learned beliefs impose, is the path to occupational well-being and emotional health.

“Your beliefs become thoughts,

your thoughts become your words,

your words become deeds

your actions become your habits,

your habits become your values and your values ​​become your destiny”

–Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

4- The secret is the attitude

Learn to reverse your thinking

Whether or not you are currently in a job that you enjoy, understanding that by giving your best you are sowing the seeds of your success. It will allow you to feel grateful and live in the present as a perfect opportunity to learn and overcome your limits.

The inversion of thought is a concept that we use in Bioneuroemoción that consists of removing the focus of attention on “having” to prioritize the “being”. Investing thought implies being and doing in order to have and not the other way around.

Create an ideal future by ideally living your present

If you want to grow at work, make him grow, if you want to have a job where you can be comfortable with your boss and your colleagues, start by creating that relationship with your current team.

To get a job that allows you to develop a certain skill to be able to live from what you are passionate about, start by training yourself and putting this…