Effective Communication at Work

In this article we will address the importance of communication as a key element to generate a healthy and productive work environmentas well as the possibility of communicating effectively in the workplace through the vision offered by Bioneuroemotion.

How do we communicate? – Enric Closer

In this podcast Enric Corbera talks about the difficulties in communicating and how we can improve our communication with others.

Many of us believed that working remotely during the pandemic would be temporary, however, in many companies, teleworking is here to stay, which has prompted us to reinvent our way of working, affecting the way we

Therefore, the importance of have effective communication that not only allows us to keep in touch, but also guarantees that work activities and goals can be met and, at the same time, reduces conflicts and negative effects that derive from poor communication between collaborators.

Management of work stress – Curro Aguilar

In this video Curro Aguilar exposes a broad vision of stress and shares some strategies to make it stop being our enemy and become an ally that drives us.

Teleworking and changes in communication

Teleworking, a new challenge in internal communication

Nowadays we are facing a new paradigm at work that is changing our way of interacting and exchange information to carry out our work.

This situation can pose a challenge for communication within companies.

In teleworking, technology becomes the only means of establishing communication, which reduces the opportunities for direct interaction, limiting the access we have to the information that emerges through nonverbal language and the environment.

If all communication happens through emails, instant messages or calls, the communication will be flatter and more prone to confusion or conflicts, so It is essential to find an appropriate medium to avoid distortions in communication.

“Much of what is said is not expressed in words. A large part of language consists of nonverbal looks, gestures, and sounds. People don’t realize the vast complexity of the way they communicate.”

Garth Stein

In these times of remote work, the need to reinforce communication between collaborators stands out, not only to complete the work or to be productive, but also to strengthen an interaction that fosters a positive environment and motivating that contributes to our well-being and the achievement of our work objectives.

Importance of effective communication in teleworking

Effective communication promotes confidence, motivation and productivity

Communication is a fundamental social skill for anyone in all areas of life.

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It is the way we use to establish contact with others, try to understand each other, express who we are and get what we need.

Communication makes it possible exchange of ideas, knowledge, feelings or experiences.

When it is not clear, there is a greater risk of making mistakes, creating confusion, conflict or even affecting others without intending to.

Knowing how to communicate helps us organize ideas and understand each other, making our activities easier.

Increase our satisfaction and strengthen collaboration when working as a team, reflecting in a better work environment.

Effective communication contributes to generating good interpersonal relationships, promotes confidence, boosts motivation and enhances productivity.

Effective communication

To communicate effectively it is not enough to take care of the words

The effective communication is a type of communication in which we achieve convey messages clearly and understandablyin such a way that there is no doubt or confusion for who receives them.

It is that both the person who emits and the one who receives the message give it the same meaning.

The responsibility of what we communicate is ours, therefore the intention that we have when communicating something is not enough, but we must make sure that the result of what we transmit is what we want to obtain.

To communicate it is important to choose our words wisely, to be clear, concise and respectful. But to achieve truly effective communication, it is necessary to take into account our listening skills Y being aware of unconscious processes involving emotions and can influence the outcome of a conversation.

Importance of active listening in communication

Active listening starts with ourselvesthrough a of our internal dialogue, which helps us to identify and understand our needs and the emotions that are hidden behind them.

This allows us to manage our emotional states and remain calm and objective when we communicate

However, it is just as important to apply active listening to others, being physically and mentally attentive to receive the message in its entirety through verbal communication, and the tone of voice, which allow us understand the correct meaning of the information.

For this reason, when working remotely, it is essential to encourage face-to-face meetingsif possible, and the video conference callsbecause they allow us to maintain a more complete and effective communication with others.

Elements of effective communication

Effective communication is characterized by the following elements:

Communicating clearly implies knowing how to manage our emotions

In addition to being specific and objective about the matter to be discussed, when communicating it is necessary pay special attention to our emotions so that they do not distort the message and affect communication.

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In the end, communication is the result that you provoke in the othernot the intention you have, and this it depends more on your internal state than the words you use, your tone of voice, or even your non-verbal language.

This is because we cannot control the totality of the non-verbal language that we emit.

Our internal state is transmitted through micro-expressions, so communicating effectively, honestly, and transparently requires observing our internal dialogue, which is what is transmitted when we talk to others.

The goal is not to “win” or be right, but to understand

Want being right is a trap in communicationsince it implies that at the end of the conversation there must be a winner and a loser, which makes it difficult to have an empathic connection with the other.

Therefore, the purpose of our interactions must be understand your own circumstances and those of the other person to reach a meeting point that allows us to resolve conflicts, not create them.

Is about improve the current situation through our communication and use it to solve problems, encourage collaboration, solve setbacks, make proposals and reach agreements.

In this sense, it is important consider what is the intention that we have, that is, to identify why we say something. If we don’t know what we want, it will be impossible to convey it to another person effectively, which can lead to misunderstandings.

Communication is two-way and is based on empathy

Work situations require the exchange of information through communication that flows in both directions.

Therefore, we must bear in mind that it is so important communicate our needs What listen to the needs of others to reach mutual understanding.

The key to achieving this type of communication is understanding that empathy is much more than putting yourself in another’s shoes.

It is related to the ability to understand the emotional life of another person in all its complexity.

To develop empathy it is essential since it is what allows us to respect and accept those of others.

The essence of communication is that is a process that involves being recognized and acknowledging others as a person.

Effective communication starts with ourselves

Communicating involves a part of awareness that begins with in order to understand others.

Our internal dialogue shows us thoughts, words and beliefs that shape the way we communicate with ourselves and that, at the same time, they condition our way of expressing ourselves with others

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Communication is not an external process, it is an internal process

To have a good communication with others we must start by having a good communication with ourselves.

Observing our internal dialogue allows us to recognize the thoughts and emotions we are experiencing in order to regulate them, thus reducing our stress level and increasing our ability to communicate in an assertive and authentic way, giving the other the opportunity to connect with us.

“The very activity of communicating, of understanding each other, is carried out between awake and conscious subjects”

Jean-Pierre Changeux

emotions in communication

Communication is influenced by our emotional state at the time of interaction and the emotions that the message arouses both the sender and the receiver.

When we communicate with others they start unconscious processes involving emotions and that can influence the outcome of a conversation.

The mind continuously captures information through our senses and gives it meaning through personal interpretation.

This happens so fast that Generally we do not realize it and a word, a gesture or the tone of voice of our interlocutor can be enough to activate an emotion within us.

We react emotionally to our interpretations

It is essential to understand that these emotional reactions are not caused by what the other person says or the way they express it, but by the interpretation that we give to what is happening.

From a young age we obtain information from what surrounds us, and with it we shape our beliefs and we learn to interpret everything that happens around us in a unique and particular way.

People, within the work context, We can have different interpretations and emotional reactions to the same situation.for example:

Two workers are reviewing a budget with their boss and are interrupted by the assistant who addresses the boss saying: –You have an important call!

While one of the workers interprets that the call must be urgent to be interrupted, the other gets angry because he interprets that it is impolite to interrupt a meeting and that possibly that call is an excuse.

Each person, therefore, will feel an emotion according to the sense that they have given to the situation, not with what is happening objectively.

Interpreting distorts communication
