How to find TRUE LOVE – 15 Tips

We spend a large part of our lives wishing for someone to appear who will make us feel what we see in the movies and that we have longed for and cried for so many times, true love. Before starting to read this article, the best thing I can do is say that the greatest true love that exists is the one that one gives to oneself, the other thing comes when we know how to give ourselves this. In this Psychology-Online article we want to give you 15 tips to help you find true love.

We will also clarify what true love and the love of a couple are with some reflections. Is the love of a couple unconditional love? Is the love of a couple forever? So that you can know how to recognize the love of your life or how to find the love of your life, below, we will see the 15 ingredients of true love as a couple.


On many occasions, it has been sold that true love is that love that you find one day and lasts a lifetime, despite life’s vicissitudes. In fact, “true love” is part of one of the . Therefore, in this article we want to highlight that true love is what you give to yourself or yourselfIf we don’t know how to love ourselves, we won’t know how to love other people. Don’t ask for love and give yourself love. The best way to find someone who completes your life is loving you firstIn this way, it is more difficult to fall into toxic relationships. When you know how to love yourself, you know what it means to be loved.

Clear priorities and ideas

If you are wondering how to find true love, you should know that to establish a healthy and lasting sexual-emotional relationship, it is very important that you are clear about what your priorities are, what the fundamental pillars are in your life, what characteristics you are looking for in your partner. , what are your limits… In short, know yourself in order to, in this way, be able to convey to the other person what it is that you want.


Sometimes, it seems that this cannot be part of true love, because a limit is something that stops us, and true love moves seas and mountains. Well, in love it is important to know how far we want to go, What things are we willing to negotiate? And what other things may be a very big pillar in our life and we don’t want anyone to make us lose it. To set limits, we must emphasize that the person must know himself after the fact and know what he wants and what he does not want. Limits are something important to establish in a couple, always assertively, since true love involves respecting oneself and the other.


For a couple’s love to be true, it is important that there is good communication and that it is assertive. In this article we explain. In this way, possible misunderstandings are avoided and the couple is allowed to grow in a free and safe environment to express any doubts, feelings, preferences and that in turn the other person can also respond to all of this, we avoid behaviors of submission and dependence or too much authority.


How to find true love? The first thing you should know is what true love is and be clear about the requirements of healthy love. For a love to be true, it is important that it is reciprocal, that the person who gives it also receives love from his or her partner. Reciprocity does not need to be equal., that is, if a compliment is given, it does not mean that the other person also does it, but rather that they receive it and in one way or another you also receive that this compliment has been given to you, either with an action such as a caress or some gesture that indicates that you are in the same position in terms of the relationship. There are different ways to show love, the important thing is that it is shown.

Self-sufficiency and interdependence

It is important that people have the autonomy to decide about their own lives. Obviously, when faced with any decision that may influence the partner, he or she must be thought of as well, but it is essential that a person in a relationship feels free to make or decide any decision. situation that affects your life. If the relationship does not offer you freedom then we must ask ourselves if it is the type of love we want, No one is more owner of our lives than ourselves..

I respect

What is true love like? Respect is the basis of true love, a relationship without respect is no relationship. It is a value that refers to having a recognition and value for a person. Every human relationship must be present, it must be mutual and reciprocal.


The person you have or that you look for to be by your side must be able to become like a confidant, someone that gives you security to explain intimate things, conflicts, joys, sorrows. If the person next to you does not transmit this tranquility and security to you, they are probably not the love of your life. Trust, as well as communication, are two fundamental bases for any relationship, one does not exist without the other and without both there is no relationship. In this article you will find more information about the.


Complicity is defined as the “attitude with which it is shown that there is knowledge on the part of two or more people of something that is secret or hidden from others.” It is important that when having a partner there is complicity. That does not mean that they think the same or agree on everything, but that they know each other and that mere fact of knowing each other very well means that sometimes they understand each other just with a look or know what the other’s face means without even talk.


It is important that in every relationship there is empathy, that the person next to you knows how to put themselves in your place when something happens or happens to you, to see things from another perspective or try to understand how you may be feeling. If you have a person by your side who never makes the effort to put themselves in your shoes, perhaps they are not the love of your life. In this article we talk about.


True love must provide you with healthy intimacy; for this, it is important that certain topics such as sex are not taboo, but that you can speak with complete confidence and freedom about those things you like or dislike, etc. It is true that this point at the beginning of any relationship can be more difficult and perhaps it is easier as trust is established, but if from the beginning you feel that that person does not transmit the trust in you to be able to express your concerns in As for your or your intimacy, it will surely not be the love of your life.


How to recognize the love of your life? Another reflection on true love as a couple is that love must be accompanied by fun, a partner must be able to provide you with moments in which you laugh and have fun. This does not require big plans, but the fact of knowing that with that person by your side, laughter and good vibes are guaranteed.

Healthy conflicts

Every couple goes through moments of crisis, that does not mean that they cannot be the love of your life, in fact conflicts are well resolved – by talking, dialoguing, practicing active listening and with respect. They can be a source of great growth. A couple that is able to overcome obstacles assertively and modifying and adapting to stay together is a couple willing to grow with each other. In this article we talk about the.


The true love of your life encourages you and supports you in your plans, he gives you his opinion, but he does not stop you from flying high, on the contrary, he is by your side to help you fly and grow as a person, wanting well is wanting to see others grow in every way at your side.


How to find true love? For a person to accompany you on the journey of life you must notice in them sincerity, this person must give you a feeling of confidence when he explains something to you and this is achieved through consistency in the person about what he says, does and thinks to you. When people show inconsistencies between all of this, that is when those around them begin to distrust.

If you have doubts, you can do this.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Riso, W. (2003). To love or depend?: how to overcome emotional attachment and make love a full and healthy experience. Publisher: Norma.
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