Devastating report on vaccines — Get to know us

“Four hundred Spanish children are going to risk their health and their lives this week so that two multinationals can enrich themselves with an absolutely unnecessary vaccine.

And that is only possible because the parents have not been told the truth, otherwise they would never have agreed to let their children act as human guinea pigs.
The one who expresses himself so forcefully is José Antonio Campoy. Director of Discovery DSALUD magazine ( and current president of the World Association for Cancer Research (WACR).

“There are numerous scientific works, some of which we quote in the report that we have just published.

According to which vaccines, mainly because of the adjuvant substances they contain, can cause autism, Guillain-Barré syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood swings, neuropsychiatric problems, chronic diarrhea, night sweats, adenopathies, rashes, chronic headaches and many other conditions,

But nobody talks about that. Have the health authorities and doctors explained it to the parents of those children whom they are going to use as guinea pigs”, asks José Antonio Campoy.
“Nobody talks about it – he would keep telling us – but it turns out that the A-N1H1 virus strain produces between 30% and 50% less active ingredient than expected.

So to solve the lack of raw material, given the hundreds of millions of vaccines that laboratories want to sell, they are using substances that increase the body’s immune response, ignoring that many are highly toxic.

In short, to produce more and reduce costs they use adjuvants and thus need ten times less amount of antigen per dose.

Only that they can cause strong adverse reactions.
“Society has the right to know what is happening in Spain with influenza A -Campoy would add to MEDNEWS-

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It is possible because three years ago our Ministry of Health approved a regulation, Law 29/2006, of July 26, on guarantees and rational use of medicines and health products, which in its article 24, point 5, establishes that “the The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products may temporarily authorize the distribution of unauthorized medicines, in response to the suspected or confirmed spread of a pathogenic or chemical agent, toxin or nuclear radiation capable of causing damage.

In these circumstances, if the use of drugs for unauthorized indications or unauthorized drugs has been recommended or imposed by the competent authority, the authorization holders and other professionals involved in the process would be exempt from civil or administrative liability.

For all the consequences derived from the use of the medicine except for the damages caused by defective products”.

That is, they have granted themselves a letter of marque at the legal level. Something inconceivable in a democracy.

That is why they so calmly propose that people get vaccinated and take antivirals despite their uselessness and potential dangers.

They know that nothing will happen to them.

Neither to them, nor to the laboratories, nor to the health professionals who play their game. And someone needs to convey this fact to the parents of those children.”
MEDNEWS has been able to verify that the special report by Discovery DSALUD -with dozens of pages- is supported by numerous scientific papers that call into question everything that has been said about the presumed necessity, efficacy and safety of both vaccines and antivirals. .

«If the credibility of the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Medicines Agency (EMEA), the Ministries of Health and the large pharmaceutical multinationals remains intact after the grotesque of influenza A is that the degree of alienation from society has reached unprecedented limits.

Because what is happening with the alleged pandemic that is attributed to A-N1H1 is simply nauseating”, says Campoy in the Editorial of this special issue.
«The World Health Organization (WHO) itself has publicly recognized that the majority of patients infected with the influenza A virus fully recover after a week without receiving medical treatment.

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And that healthy people who get the flu don’t need to be treated with antivirals…

Then why the state of infopanic generated in such an irresponsible way”, José Antonio Campoy would add.
The Discovery DSALUD report also explains that the WHO has made it clear that antivirals should only be taken by people with influenza A “who are severe” as well as “those at risk of complications” adding that “they do not need to be administered to healthy people with mild symptoms of flu”.
«Tamiflu -says Campoy- is an antiviral that does not prevent or cure anything.

It is therefore very far from being an effective medicine as has been led to believe.

It hasn’t even been shown to be safe. And indeed healthy children should not be given influenza A antivirals because the potential harms outweigh the benefits.

This is what other scientists say, as we explained in the report that appears in the magazine, Mathew Thompson and Carl Heneghan.

Prestigious researchers from the University of Oxford.

It must be said without subterfuge: neither Roche’s Tamiflu nor GlaxoSmithKline’s Relenza prevent flu infection.

Moreover, ingesting them while healthy is a mistake because they do not serve as preventatives.
Regarding the deaths that the influenza A virus is said to have caused in healthy people, Campoy is blunt:

«The fact that people with very different serious pathologies have died while being infected by the influenza A virus does not imply that this has been the cause of death, as is gratuitously tried to make them believe.

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The possibility of A-N1H1 causing the death of someone healthy is nil. So they are lying to us.”
MEDNEWS must say that the references to scientific studies and researchers of international prestige are a constant throughout the report published by Discovery DSALUD.

It is undoubtedly a work on which one can disagree, but it certainly constitutes a serious, rigorous and documented investigation.
«Three years ago -explains Campoy- we denounced that the bird flu was a setup and time would prove us right.

Now we have been doing the same thing alone for three months and it seems that the other media have finally begun to inform and understand the truth.

Late but congratulate us. Although no one mentions our work.

It should be added that in its Discovery DSALUD report, it not only denounces that the WHO has lied when affirming from the beginning that it was a pandemic that could cause hundreds of millions of people affected and millions of deaths.

Rather, it is clearly involved in an operation that she does not hesitate to describe as a conspiracy whose sole objective is to sell millions of vaccines and antivirals.
“All of this – asserts Campoy – is the result of a conspiracy so that a few unscrupulous individuals and companies get rich.

Because if influenza A were such a terrible pandemic and the World Health Organization (WHO) is so concerned,

Why not declare it a global public health problem by authorizing the manufacture of generic drugs to combat it? Because it sinks the business to those who have set it up.

And it is that the WHO is not an independent organization. It is completely controlled by the big pharmaceutical industry.”
Discovery Health

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