Trust your intuition more — Get to know us

Sometimes and out of fear, we follow logical and practical advice from others despite our intuition.

Instead of learning to trust ourselves more, we feel the need to check with another person first. The right thing to do is pay attention to ourselves.

To other people, the advice they give you may seem very reasonable, and so may you.

However, there are decisions that are better made following intuition and not reasoning.

When making decisions, listen and listen to that inner voice and don’t be overly logical and practical.

If you accept too much advice, you may leave the responsibility of your life in the hands of others.

You must feel free to do things your way. Do not let anyone make decisions for you, among other things because the one who gives advice can also be wrong.

And you, wanting to get rid of the responsibility of thinking for yourself, will have been wrong following the advice of others.

And I can tell you that these mistakes hurt more than your own.

If you want to know about the behavior of the ego you can buy my book THE TASK OF THE SOUL by clicking on the Amazon link:

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