ACCIDENTS, emotional causes and how to prevent and cure them

An accident is called an unforeseen event, so it is normal that they are considered fortuitous events, the product of bad luck.

For me, however, an accident, like a disease, is one more means that our Internal Master uses to warn us of an erroneous behavior that harms us and of which we are not aware.

We do not look for accidents, just as we do not look for diseases; but nevertheless, we are responsible for everything that happens to us in life.
No one comes into contact in life with something they have nothing to do with. Although, in principle, this statement is unpleasant, it does not stop being true.

We must familiarize ourselves with the idea that the same person is agent and patient, at the same time.

An accident can occur when a person feels guilty, accused of something they have thought or done.

The accident is like a self-punishment, unconscious, to neutralize the guilt.
Sometimes we self-harm to claim the attention and affection of others. This attitude, in most cases, comes from childhood.

The boy realizes that when he is sick or has an accident, everyone is looking out for him.

The mother pays more attention to him, the father takes more care of him, and he somehow feels like the center of attention.

This association can be maintained as an adult and unconsciously, we can cause accidents in moments of discouragement.
The fear of having to face certain responsibilities in life often plays tricks on us.

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Especially if we do not consider ourselves valuable people, because things do not turn out as we would like, or we do not feel safe, because we are afraid of the results.
The issue of aggressiveness also has a lot to do with accidents.

I am referring to uncontrolled aggressiveness, when it is this that dominates the person. When the mind believes in violence, it is this that it attracts to itself.

In all cases of accidents, whether traffic, domestic, work, etc., the first thing we must look for is the message that it transmits to us in order to solve it in a conscious way.

And thus be able to prevent the accident from repeating itself more times and with the risk of greater danger to the individual.
It has been shown that people who have ever suffered an accident are prone to repeat it on more occasions.

And this is because they have ignored the signal that warns them of the event and have continued with the same behavior.
For this reason, in general, accidents are caused unconsciously and force people to make the change that they consciously refuse to make.
For example, in the car as in life, one can “get out of his way.”

Or “skip a rule”, a stop; Or maybe you don’t have time to brake… and run over another.
It may be difficult for one to move forward in life, that we feel that we are not moving forward and another comes along who “does not see where he is going” and hits us from behind, etc.
On the other hand, there are people who do not see the danger and play with fire and of course, end up burning their hands.
There are those who rush into the future, stumble and roll down.
And finally, there are accidents that force us to make a drastic change in life.

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As are the fractures of the bones, the product most of the time, of extreme inflexibility.
or the principles themselves prevent us from adapting to life, we become stagnant and our bones can break.

A fracture can also occur when we have thoughts of violence towards someone who represents authority to us, even though we are not aware of them.

Since we cannot afford to carry out our aggressive attitude, the contained violence turns against ourselves.
In the end, the unconscious forces us to rest, to guide our lives by adapting to the present moment.

To be more flexible and to establish the union between body, mind and spirit.
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