Why do I feel alone and empty – discover the causes here



Just saying 2 words is enough for them to reject me “I AM TRANS” sometimes or it is necessary to say them, they simply notice it at some point. and just like that with a snap of their fingers they lose interest in me. It really is horrible. Sometimes I question myself and say “I must be doing something wrong, it can’t be that most of the people I meet soon end up rejecting me.” If it weren’t for my close family and my pet, I would be in the darkest hole I could be in. I started playing sports more than 2 years ago, I have many teammates on the team. Every weekend they make plans to go out for a drink or to dance and I find out it’s from the photos, they have WhatsApp groups that exclude me, I honestly don’t know what to do. I think the cure is worse than the disease. Many times I have come home crying after training because I feel that exclusion. I have thought about doing a solitary sport like racing, but I don’t know. For now I have my mind busy studying. It’s been 4 months since I started studying and for now that keeps my mind busy.

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Hello, I consider that being trans is not a problem, I think your real problem is that you do not hang out with the right people, prejudiced people should have no place in your life or anyone else’s, it is excellent that you practice sports, but try to integrate to a reading group, painting or any art expression, they tend to be more sensitive and open people. Blessings!!



Hello, today I woke up feeling empty inside me, I can’t find meaning in my life, my routine bores me, I feel like I’m worthless, it’s hard for me to think about my future because I can’t imagine myself in a profession, in having a family, nisiqueira friends, I can’t find my meaning, I feel ugly when I look in the mirror, my routine frustrates me, I can’t find a purpose, at night I think that my life will be short



I am 40 years old and I feel alone, I don’t quite fit into any group and it is difficult for me to maintain friendships, in fact they always end up excluding me from groups, they make plans and don’t count on me and when I find out I feel a lot of pain and I don’t understand why this happens, I am a friendly person, I like to listen, I am the first to help if needed, perhaps I do not offer help because I am also a person who does not usually ask for help and I try to do things for myself. I am honest and I believe that friendship is not being used and that is what I normally encounter. It is very difficult for me to find people with my interests and perhaps the problem is going with people who are different from me, but even if they do not have my interests I respect them but I find that I am not respected the same for being different. I read about the subject and one of the problems is lack of self-esteem, yes I have suffered that lack when I was younger but now I love myself and I feel strong I know that I am a valuable person that is why I do not understand that I do not find people who appreciate the good that I I can offer. In short, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, whether it’s me or that I don’t know how to find people like me and that’s why I end up alone. I would like to find people who are looking for healthy friendship and who accept me as I am. Does anyone else feel the same?

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I have a similar life experience. I am 47 years old, I look much younger than my actual age. I live in a small town alone without friends or family. My family is not united but quite the opposite unfortunately. My two children now live their lives, they don’t talk to me often, I understand that they have their own things and lives to occupy themselves with. Likewise, I don’t have much luck with true or sincere friendships, not even my friends from my youth, they are all lively gossips, I don’t trust them for any type of conversation, I already know that when I stop talking they will run off to gossip. I prefer to be alone and not bother anyone. But it’s also very sad to be so alone. I feel very good interacting with people younger than me, they are happy and they don’t talk to you to gossip but on the contrary you feel confident talking to them, but they also tend to see life more superficial than I do; It will be because of his age. But hey, I hope one day to find someone who comes to complement my life, I really hope so.



Hello Isabel, I don’t know how I ended up here but reading your message has made me feel hope for people, currently I feel like you are writing in your post, exactly the same thing happens to me with my relationships, I am always there to help and listen but then I am not taken into account and although I have good friends and I feel that they love me right now I feel very alone, and I feel that I do not fit in, I feel strange and like the feeling is that I do not belong to any circle, not even family, and I find myself very sad at times although I am a very happy and positive person. It really relieved me to read your message, thank you for sharing your feelings. From what I see, this message is from a year ago, I don’t know if you will read me, but whatever you need to share, I will gladly read it. Much encouragement!



I have felt alone for many years. Even though we are a lot in my family, I feel that none of them are the same as me. They have different tastes. Nobody listens to me. I don’t have friends. I prefer to be locked in my room all day when they have their family gatherings.

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I feel the same and I am older than you, I have always gone out of my way for others and now I am at a point where all this is overwhelming me, I have realized that I have few friends, they only look for me CDO they need me but I am CDO I’m the one who needs zero patatero and that’s why my advice is that you learn to say no



Hello, I am going through a very strong depression or anxiety, I don’t know… but I sleep badly even though I have children, I feel unmotivated, I am tired of life. What I can do? Is it really worth continuing to live?

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Talk to someone about this



If you feel so bad and you have no friends or goals beyond your children, go to the psychologist. You should also ask yourself if you really wanted to have children, many women believe that they would like to be mothers due to social pressure.



I will follow your page, I find it interesting, I’m having a bad time



Hello, for fear of feeling alone I was not able to leave my partner, even though it was an extremely toxic relationship. And despite horns, lies and attacks, I was always there with the hope that things would change, one day, I was strong and I was able to walk away. That’s almost 2 years now. I have almost no friends and much less female contact, I have felt in a hole for all this time. I try every day to be better, but it seems like I’m invisible.

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Hello, my name is Nataly, I congratulate you on your great decision, I understand you so much, I also have very few friends and sometimes I feel invisible to everyone, but I have learned to know myself and enjoy my solitude, I must first enjoy my company so that others also love it, I wish you much success, and that you manage to fill that void you feel, greetings.

Miguel Angel


I understand you very well…I am the same…



I feel very alone, sad, all the things I have seen for my children are that they will lack nothing, I understand that they have to grow up, but they are increasingly rude and they are almost at home… I want children. Successful but it hurts that after so much trouble, one already has a partner and he hurts me badly, and she says I’m between the sword. and the wall sometimes I want to go away for a week so they know what it means to be alone “mkchacba” but I cry and it hurts too much



I don’t know how to express myself, I feel alone and my family is very ugly to me, I was really trying and giving my best, but no one saw it.

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Jonatan Tavares


That’s why you act like that because you want them to see you, don’t do it for them because others think about themselves and if they already think about them, so you put effort into them, you better think about yourself, your personal hygiene, what music motivates you for the little things you do. I like to do this during the day and you will see that if you do this they will start to notice you and turn to smile at you when you least expect it, cheer up..

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Hello! I feel alone, and I am literally alone, no families, no children, no friends, how strange isn’t it? It’s not that I never had them, I decided to cut ties with people who only hurt me, I feel comfortable with my loneliness, but I I’m worried about not being able to fit in with someone new, I’ve been doing this for 2 years and I think it’s not normal.



I feel alone, for a long time. It’s a void that’s eating me. I don’t have anyone to talk to or I’m afraid to open up to others. I don’t like to say that I feel sad in my life or that I carry a void. It’s the first time I open up. It gives me respect to do it.

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Don’t worry, you are not alone, I understand that it is difficult, but let me tell you that every time you feel like this, try to do something different that excites you or try to do something that you would like to try even if it goes wrong, but don’t be left without try, if you have the possibility, you can talk to yourself and you can even remember things from the past that made you funny so you can withdraw from nothing, hehe

Nevenka Verónica Cortes Díaz


I feel alone, I got married three years ago and I feel close and my husband doesn’t love me, what can I do, I don’t know where to go

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I understand it is not easy but we do not need them to love us, it is the first step but wanting our parents to love us as babies without knowing that we would give up something for them but look for goodbye orally talk to him and he will help you better than any human I hope you are well.



Hello everyone!! My name is Inés, when I moved to another city I have also experienced moments of great loneliness and seeing that many people were in my circumstances I have decided to create a community on Instagram @planesjuntas in which I can connect like-minded people and also to organize meet-ups and plans. You can also write to me at planesjuntas@gmail.com
A hug

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I feel alone too.
Without wanting anything
My husband abandoned me emotionally
I’m not hungry, it’s like my life has stopped.



They are a married woman. My husband is living on a ranch where we have to take care of the animals. And my two children got married, so I am alone.
2 months ago I got sick with pneumonia and COVID incubated me, thank God I came out okay. All my family and friends worried about me. But now that I’m home, no one talks to me, much less me…