Emotional origin of PURITUS and how to consciously heal it

Itching is a sensation in the epidermis that encourages scratching.

It is the sign of something that itches us. It indicates that there is something within us that excites us and that we have overlooked and wants to be discovered and released, such as a burning passion, ardor or desire.

When scratching relieves, it is indicative that the person has suffered a conflict of separation of pleasure linked to touch, being caressed, touched, etc.

“I am frustrated, I need pleasure and when I scratch myself I feel that pleasant sensation of relief… it is receiving what that person I want does not give me”.

When scratching does not relieve it tells us about a general problem of breaking contact / separation.

The person has probably received some form of abuse or unwanted touching. “I feel dirty since he touched me.”

What important thing happened in my life just before the appearance of the first symptoms of itching in a separation context?

When after the itching there is a problem with bilirubin in the blood: separation conflict with rancor, injustice. “I wish he had never come near me.”

I’m so sorry I met that despicable being!

Burning due to sexuality and aggressiveness.

Itching may also appear after a change in a person’s life.

Which has made him break with his past (conflict of separation from pleasure) and has forced him to seek new references, that is, to develop a new identity.

What is my new site?

How am I to occupy it?

See also  Emotional origin of APHONIA

Itching can also occur when a person is envious of something, but does not express it for fear of hurting someone or what they may think of her.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link:

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