FREE and ONLINE Psychometric Test

Intelligence has been studied for many years and it is a topic that, without a doubt, aroused the interest of psychologists. Currently, There are already several intelligence tests that can be used for different situations. Nowadays, the word intelligence is used quite frequently

The Raven’s progressive matrices test is a psychometric test whose main objective is to measure the level of intelligence, also known as factor G. This test was designed by John C. Raven and was first administered in 1938. The test is based on finding out which element is missing

Emotional reactions are something fundamental and characteristic of human beings, however, when these reactions become owners of our decisions, it can be something very harmful to our mental health. Emotional stability is defined as the ability to control

Friendliness can be defined as people’s ability to make friends and keep them over time. Friendship should not be confused with sociability. While the first refers to a close relationship with other people, the second refers to the degree to which we adapt to the

Gregarism is the tendency that people have to join together or stay in groups of people with similar characteristics to themselves. For example, followers of the same sport, similar intellectual curiosities, etc. Gregarious behaviors are appreciated in animals as the desire to belong.

In the same way that we express feelings of pleasure and happiness, human beings may also have a tendency to communicate discomfort, anger and unpleasant feelings, this tendency is known as negative expressiveness and can be measured by observing behavior or, as we propose

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Positive expressiveness is the degree to which the subject expresses feelings of pleasure or agreement in a certain situation. We understand by emotional expressiveness the external display of emotions, whether positive or negative, and regardless of whether the channel used for their expression is

Obedience is that attitude by which people recognize the responsibility towards themselves on the part of other people. The obedience is related to responsibility, however, they are different and must be contextualized according to the type of relationship with the other person, so it must be

All of us have felt nervous at some point or have been embarrassed when starting a conversation with someone who we didn’t know However, not all people who are embarrassed suffer from an anxiety disorder or social phobia. Social anxiety can be defined

This reserve scale aims to measure the tendency we have to keep our feelings and emotions to ourselves or, on the contrary, to express openly and without fear everything we feel and think without any filter. Reserved people are those who are less willing to talk about

Personality is what marks our way of living, feeling and acting. Knowing what we are like has always been one of the most studied unknowns. in the world of psychology. This test that you will see below is the parallel version of McRae and Costa’s 5-factor personality test, this questionnaire