Discover the emotional meaning of anemia

Everything that happens to our body is, to a greater or lesser extent, the product of our emotions. At least that is how , the therapy that seeks to resolve physical issues through working with emotions, understands it.

According to this science, anemia is the result of a strong feeling of worthlessness, and lack of desire to live. Below we will tell you exactly what it is due to and what you can try to improve.

Anemia: physical symptoms

Anemia is the lack of iron in the body, which in turn implies a decrease in red blood cells.

This situation generates a series of symptoms: paleness of the skin and mucous membranes, acceleration of breathing and heart rate, and very marked fatigue. Headaches, dizziness, and ringing in the ears may also occur.

There are some external reasons that are commonly the cause of anemia. For example, an abrupt change in diet, pregnancy, heavy bleeding, among others.

However, if it occurs recurrently and without a clear cause, it is likely that you have to delve into the emotions to determine what is due and improve the symptoms.

Anemia and its emotional significance

In metaphysics, blood represents the joy of living. Therefore, it is considered that a person with anemia possibly feels that he has lost that joy. In extreme cases, it can represent the complete lack of vital energy.

In any case, anemia is related to discouragement and the inability to connect with one’s own desires and needs. This generates a deep feeling of spiritual weakness, which manifests itself in the body.

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There is also a devaluation. Anemia comes hand in hand with the feeling of not being worth enough. In this state, the anemic person can depend too much on the opinion of others, and take very little care of himself.

How to face anemia from emotions

If you believe that your anemia can be worked on emotionally, the first thing you should look for is where your creative capacity resides. Connecting with that part of ourselves is usually one of the best ways to regain self-esteem.

You need to start trusting yourself more, and for that there is nothing better than starting to give yourself time to do what you are passionate about. Look for more moments to be with you and do what you like, try to find those details that always gave you happiness and that today seem far away.

In short, let out the child in you, the one who wants to play and take life less seriously. You have the right to have fun. Your value is not in the recognition of others. Do not forget.

As an exercise, you can repeat this proposing statement:

I can confidently experience joy in all areas of my life. I love life”

Important: it should be clarified that does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, does not assume responsibility for these acts. The intention of the site is only to offer information of a general nature to help in the search for personal development and growth.


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