Body-mind-emotion relationship – Integral Health Coaching.

Mind’s power

It is said that humans only use about 10% of our brain. What this really means is that our conscious mind requires about 10% of our brain’s resources. Thinking, moving, making choices, planning, seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling are all conscious activities and require 10% of our brain’s processing power.

So what does the other 90% of the brain do? It is our unconscious mind that uses 90% of our brain capacity.

This silent and unconscious majority of the brain is constantly busy storing information and keeping the body’s systems running efficiently.

It is also important to understand that the unconscious exerts an invisible but profound influence on the things we do and how we behave and feel.

Most people think little about their unconscious; but imagine for a moment having to assume the functions that your unconscious performs. Imagine the difficulty of telling your digestive system how to digest your lunch, or telling your cells how to
produce enzymes or proteins. Imagine if you had to worry about keeping your heart beating or keeping air moving in and out of your lungs every moment of every day.

Many times it is difficult for us to remember what happened yesterday. However, the unconscious is a fascinating recording device. Every face you’ve ever seen in a crowd, every scent, every voice, every song, every taste, every touch, and every sensation you’ve ever experienced has been recorded by your unconscious.

Every virus, bacteria, or fungus that has ever invaded your body, all your physical and emotional injuries, all your thoughts and feelings, and the entire history of every cell in your body, has all been archived.

Your unconscious is also aware of any frozen conflicts your body may be harboring; he also knows exactly what effect these trapped conflicts have on your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. All this and much more is stored in your unconscious.

See also  /sanarlasheridas/category/descodificacion-biologica/videos-biodescodificacion/

The power of emotional energy

All organisms, no matter how primitive, respond to positive or negative stimuli. For example, plants grow in the direction of sunlight and away from darkness. An amoeba in an aquarium will move toward the light away from the dark. If dirt is put in that same aquarium, the amoeba will move away and head for the cleaner water.

On an unconscious level, the human body is no different. In fact, this has been the case throughout your entire life, without you even being aware of it. If you allow yourself to quiet your conscious mind and tune into your body, you will learn that your unconscious is quite capable of communicating with you.

Everything in the universe is made of energy, whether this energy manifests itself in a physical form or remains invisible. It is the particular disposition of these energies and their specific vibration frequencies that determine how they will manifest in us.

At the most basic level, everything in existence is made of the same thing: energy. Not only are you made of energy, but other forms of energy are going through your body at this very moment. The energy we cannot see is all around us in the form of radio waves, X-rays, infrared, thought waves, and emotions.

We can feel energy when it comes in the form of emotions. If negative emotional energies are frozen in us, they can affect us unfavorably. Frozen emotions are made of energy, just like energy makes up our bodies and everything else in the universe.

Being frozen, they remain trapped inside us, immutable. And, even if we are not aware, even if we forget about them, they damage us internally, generating discomfort, illness, difficulties. Like a piece of ice, sharp and pointed, trapped inside us, which hurts us more and more deeply.

See also  Snoring – Integral Health Coaching.

That is why it is essential to learn to detect these frozen conflicts, and dissolve them, to recover our natural state of well-being and plenitude.

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