The Shadow and the Mirror – Integral Health Coaching.

We owe the concept of the shadow to the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, who tells us phrases like: “What is not made conscious manifests itself in our lives as destiny.”. What it means to us is that we have to investigate in the darkness of our unconscious since we are always manifesting the shadow.

In the mirror I project my light and my shadow. When we project our shadow on others, it manifests itself when what we see in others bothers us a lot, in an excessive way and especially in things of little importance.

The light is projected on others when we admire qualities of others that we believe we do not have, if we admire it it is because we have it internally, we just have not realized it or have not brought it to the surface of consciousness.

Generally, what we can see in other people will be those “unconscious beliefs” about ourselves. Those things that we will fervently deny if someone asks us. If you unconsciously believe yourself to be a person without self-esteem, due to resonance, you will associate with multiple people who will not value you enough. It can happen to you in a negative way and in a positive way too.

That is the beauty of this process. Both our light, our inner beauty, and our deepest shadow will manifest in our life. Our fears, traumas and emotional wounds. We must understand that everything that happens in our lives is a reflection or projection of our unconscious, and that everything is related to ourselves. It is time to stop blaming others and to become aware and responsible for our lives.

When you find yourself in difficult situations or moments, you should ask yourself what your unconscious is trying to see. What is there in the person in front of you, or in the situation you are experiencing, what “should” you be aware of. In other words, ask yourself the golden question: Why is this happening to me? Maybe stingy people bother you a lot, because deep down you don’t want to admit that you are also a bit stingy with yourself or with others…

See also  Learning to let go – Integral Health Coaching.


Relationships are the best system to know ourselves since we relate to ourselves through others.

One way to see our shadow is through excesses:

–Exaggerated feelings towards others

–Impulsive or inadvertent actions

–Feel humiliated

–Relationships in which we cause the same destabilizing effect to different people.

–disproportionate anger

–The attraction to the morbid, accidents, bad news.

Every time we respond for or against something and remain rigid and inflexible, it is very possible to think that we are entering the territory of the shadow.

Historically, men and women have accumulated in their archetypes many memories of pain, repression, violence, suffering, abuse, etc.


The archetype of the woman has on her back memories of pain, suffering, abuse, rape. Her womb contains ancestral memories of silent pain. When women don’t love themselves they attract just that, men who don’t love themselves. All this translates into addiction, mistrust and violence. Gender violence is the result of unhealed ancestral memories. Jealousy, emotional addictions, violence of any kind have to do with this.


The man carries many memories of deep pain, and was also educated not to express his feelings. This emerges in the form of violence. We have been warriors, soldiers (crying is for girls). The archetype of man carries deep wounds in the heart. The awakening of the feminine part of him is an urgent need.

Violence is the way out of the male shadow. The man has to develop the feminine energy, that way he releases frustration and shadow. This is getting in harmony. The man works his feminine energy by expressing emotions and the woman the masculine energy by making decisions and putting herself in his place since she has been subjected to it for a long time.

See also  Transgenerational | Psychogenealogy | .


The direct mirror: In it we see reflected our beliefs in real time. An example can be when someone annoys us in an exaggerated way according to our perception.

The mirror of our judgments: It is one of the most revealing since everything we judge as “bad” or “inappropriate” will reappear in different ways in our lives until we stop judging it. Our judgments are the magnet that attracts situations so that we live them.

The mirror of our family tree: We live experiences and relationships that have to do with our ancestors. Its function is to release the family collective unconscious.

The mirror of our highest good: We used to be our biggest critics. When we are able to consciously make these criticisms and change them, then we begin to be compassionate with ourselves and so we can be with others. Learning to be flexible with myself allows me to be flexible with others.

The mirror of our daily situations.

The mirror of our “dark night of the soul”: Highly exaggerated situations where our world plunges into chaos and our greatest fears arise. When we come out of it, we are different people. Awaken a force in you that is your great ally.


What you don’t have to do is fight against the opposite. This is the dumbest thing to do. Healing is always integration. The integration of opposites is what gives you the strength to achieve anything. That’s why healing is always integrating, not separating. If we are together it is for something. What do I reflect to you, what do you reflect to me? What should I learn, what should you learn?

The solution is always integration, the fight against my mirror (my projected shadow) always reinforces it and I will always lose. Remember: “What you resist, persists”. Loss is sickness and suffering.

See also  Eyelids – Comprehensive Health Coaching.


A symptom or disease indicates that a conflictive impact has been experienced to which the unconscious responds with an adaptation program.

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