We all have at least one soul, formerly human or otherwise, assigned to be our earthly mentor to inspire us, support us in decision-making, and collaborate with us in creative endeavors.

In the same way that we each have guardian angels watching over and protecting us, we also have one or more spirit guides. To feel them we can follow a process through which we can connect and communicate with this nurturing and protective spiritual presence.

Connect with your Spiritual Guide

Spirit guides have many “disguises” and come from many sources. Your guide may be a deceased relative who communicates with you in a way you recognize, or the energy feels familiar. He can also be a pet that you have had. They can appear in dreams, bring messages and ideas directly to your mind, or help you feel “impulses” that guide you one way or another on the physical or spiritual path ahead.

Being able to contact our Spirit Guides is a gift that has been given to humanity, but we have forgotten how to do it. It does not require training to learn how to contact them, but rather a gentle and loving heart, open to the spiritual, which will be able to attract just the required blessings.

Steps to meet our spirit guides

Below we give you a series of tips that may be the best way to be in communication with these benefactors.

1. Establish a suitable environment:

As with any ceremony, your physical environment must be prepared to support these subtle energies. Light a candle, dim the lights, clean up your clutter, and create a peaceful space. Bring to this stage any items of power that have meaning – crystals, sacred items, and spirit art. These will form your space-ritual and will expand the intentions of your connection.

2. Create a well-defined intention

All spiritual efforts must be carried out with clear intention. Who do you want to work with? What questions do you hope to address? With a clear focus, we can call upon the most suitable beings to answer our questions.

If one is going to work on self-healing, a gentle loving energy can be a perfect association, so we can think of Quan Yin or Mother Mary. If we are looking for profound teachings, an Ascended Master like Saint Germain or Buddha may be more suitable. Carry a pure guideline in your heart and you will attract the loving energy of the most suitable Guide to help you.


3. Practice loving patience with yourself.

We easily forget the simplicity of this delicate process… There is no need to rush or rush. The messages will be transmitted as smoothly as the wind and it is only your ability to perceive that will avoid blocking your connection. As with the breath itself, this communication with the Spirit is one of the most primitive and cannot be done from the mind.

Without expectations (the way you feel is not like fireworks), rather with patience and trust, you will find yourself in communion with the forces of divine energy that act around you.

4. Relax and breathe

Breathing is one of our most precious treasures and the surest way to get closer to the present moment. With each breath, you allow your awareness to deepen and become more flexible. No tension or stress. If you find yourself tense, muscle stretching can dissipate some of this pent-up energy. Lying down is also a great idea, but don’t get too comfortable or you may fall asleep!

5. Ask for Protection

As with all spiritual work, the dictates of your heart will attract similar vibrational frequencies. A simple protection request process will help you attract only blessings. To do this, you can follow the following steps:

Visualize yourself in a tube of white light and allow these energies to cleanse anything that is not of your highest living good. When you are ready, relaxed, and willing to allow the messages to come to you, ask for the most loving energy that is willing to assist you to be called upon now.

6. Make sacred sounds

The deepest of all sacred sounds is our own voice. Singing is the process by which we reproduce the sounds of the universe. Making these sounds raises our vibrations and tunes our energy with the most powerful forces of the spirit.

Chant “Ohm” (phonetically, this sounds like: AaaahUuuuuMmmm) seven times to align your energy with that of the divine. You will quickly discover that singing is a perfect portal to contact your spirit guides.


7. Go through the “Gate”

As your breathing slows and sacred space activates, you may notice a change in your being. This is the awakening of your light body that will magnetically attract Spirit Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters.

Focus on your light body for this is the aspect of you that is pure spirit. See yourself walking through a “door” into another dimension. This is not always a literal door…sometimes we see it as a cosmic space, sometimes as a beautiful landscape that inspires wonder. We all have our own entrances to the afterlife and you will soon discover what is best for you.

8. Invite your and Angels

When you are totally in a state of peace, call your personal Guides and Angels. Share your intention with them and give them clear permission to join you. We live in a universe of free will where our mandate is respected and honored according to sacred laws, so you must explicitly grant your Masters permission to share your living space with you.

9. Open to Subtle Frequencies

Your messages may come as visions, impressions, smells, or thoughts. She wishes the messages were always very clear, but often they are not. Pay attention to everything you experience for it is their direct way of being in communication with you now.

10. Ask for a sign

This is also a sample of our free will… since we are dense and doubtful creatures. Ask for a sign in your daily life that affirms your connection and the messages they offer you. Please don’t see this as “telling them what to do”, but rather as a form of loving reassurance that will reinforce your faith in them. This is a sure way they can express their presence and are happy to oblige as long as you ask!

11. Ask for a message or a blessing

Spirit Guides are at our service and as such can only help in ways that we explicitly ask for. Beyond the validation of a sign, ask for a message or a blessing while you are in sacred connection with them. This could be an orientation, insight, or a preview of what lies ahead. The blessing could be a healing or an activation of your psychic abilities.


13. The Return

As we walk through these sacred dimensions, we must take precautions to return to the paths by which we came. See yourself leaving by the same means by which you entered by whatever path you have ventured. Ask your Guides to help you with this without stress…they know the way!

Soul fragmentation occurs when we leave behind parts of ourselves (in physical and non-physical realities). To carefully retrace our steps we must make sure to bring all aspects of ourselves together so that we can bring our power and potential back to us.

Allow yourself time to fully return to your body. You can choose to write down your experience or take a nap to integrate. Be kind as you allow this state and this experience to be received on all levels of your being. You may feel a bit shaken after these encounters. Take that as a signal in your body that something has happened. Try to eat healthy, walk in nature and bathe with warm water, to feel back at home.

14. Live in the sacred every day

Sacred space is best honored when we recognize that it is a thriving part of our reality. Visiting just once shows little regard for the relationships formed. Instead, you should know that these loving support beings are available to you whenever you need them, not just when you need help, but at any time.

Sharing your blessings with them and acknowledging their contribution is very important! They like to know that their efforts are not only appreciated, but that they are working positively to help us become better humans.

Joining these spaces of communication with our Spirit Guides regularly reminds us that the world is much wider than most people realize. They will improve our psychic abilities, it will ensure that we are on the right path and that this will lead us to fulfill our destiny. Before long our ability to receive these messages can occur outside of the established ritual and we will start receiving messages all the time.

-Loubna Hatem-

Source: Reborn to life