Definition: Inability or difficulty in reading, writing or spelling words without the existence of any intellectual or sensory deficiency, or any psychiatric disorder.

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage.

Separation conflict with the parents of the parents.

Transgenerational conflict. Contrasted laterality.

Biological sense: In relation to something I don’t want to tell.

The unconscious puts obstacles in the expression so that it does not come out that is basically dangerous for it to come out.

It has to do with the history of the clan (parents, grandparents and secrets).

Conflict: Breakdown of parental relationships with their parents.

There may be some conflicting laterality, look at biological laterality.

There is a lot of transgenerational.

I want to be separated from my parents«.

«Parents have a bad feeling with their parents«.

I confuse and mix the members of my clan.

I can’t talk about clan secrets

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


What emotional conflict am I experiencing?:

In general, the origin of dyslexia is located almost in all cases in the history of the Family Tree and in the Sense Project. It is an emotion of confusion in the face of the inability to recognize a family member and we can even include the typical stories in which a deceased relative is not recognized by his immediate family, either because he has lost his shape, or because they have been prevented from “seeing the dead”, so an unresolved drama of “recognizing” the person remains in the emotional unconscious of the family.

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When the origin is located in the Sense Project, we almost always locate stories where the mother has doubted, for a considerable time, whether or not to have the baby. It is a state of confusion, of indecision and the little one clearly “absorbs” it. He does not know if he will live or die, he does not know if he will be accepted or rejected, he does not know if he will be expected or not expected, so he knows that he will be born and will demonstrate his intelligence to achieve acceptance and make the wonder parents understand that ” they would have lost” if they had not had it, although “learning” to be and do what others do and in the same way, costs a lot of work and effort.

It’s an internal and quite strong emotion of “but they will see how wonderful I am”.

And they are usually very intelligent people, we could even call them “geniuses” or “gifted”, with a fairly strong self-esteem, sure of their abilities, and with problems to be accepted because “they will never behave, think, or act like others”. Being “like everyone else” is not the goal of a dyslexic.

Regarding clan histories or birth conditions, a release letter can be made to release hidden grudges or inherited emotion. And continue enjoying life.

Akasha Comprehensive Healing

Dyslexia and Biological Decoding

Boys and girls with dyslexia tend to tire more for the effort it takes reading and writing tasks, with the consequent frustration that derives from the results, therefore are more easily distracted and often refuse to do school activities. Frequently, families and teachers believe that they are disinterested or lazy children, when, in reality, there are suffering and misunderstanding until the diagnosis arrives.

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In the field of education, we talk about developmental dyslexia or of developmental dyslexia. It can also be acquired after a brain injury in the areas responsible for reading and writing processing.

Some genetic-based studies indicate that in the event that one of the parents is dyslexic, the chances of a child inheriting it are multiplied by eight. (Gilger, Pennington, and DeFries, 1991).

if the dyslexia is the difficulty in reading words, we can ask ourselves which neurological circuits participate in the process and what alterations can occur between the intermediate cognitive processes of receiving information and elaboration of meaning.

Reading is a complex process that requires hear (hearing analysis), see (visual analysis), remember (through auditory memory, visual memory, word and spelling memory), understand and associate the semantic and orthographic system, and convert phonemes into graphemes. Reading is a process that asks many regions of our brain to get going. reading is deciphering and, as we all know, you learn to read. With education, we move from spoken to written language.

Dyslexia seen from the Original Biological Decoding

Reading requires numerous neurological circuits that can be altered; in DB.O. we say it is for one conflict activity.

To read we have to, on the one hand, see; so one of the conflicts is in the visual cortex or conflict to see, not to see, to be seen or not to be seen, toOthers of fear or fear. On the other hand, we have to hear, so conflicts can be of hear, not hear, be heard or not be heard.

If the emitted word is also affected, which would imply Broca’s area and the larynx area, the conflicts are of expression: can’t say or feel afraid of the expression what feed back the conflict. If the sensory cortex is involved, which is associated with memory processes (there are absences, forgetfulness, memory loss), the conflict could be due to separation.


The secondary result of a process of dyslexia in the boy or girl can lead to other conflicts such as devaluation, fear in the territory (for example, fear of going to school), panic and many others.

If the alterations occur in intrauterine life, we can ask ourselves if the programming is in conflict lived during pregnancy or in the life of the ancestors or transgenerational.

Recognizing the difficulty and understanding how it works can help children affected by dyslexia to overcome their conflicts understanding is the first step to decode the symptomwhich can manifest itself by canceling relationships, in the form of sadness and loss of meaning in what is done, all added to the pain of misunderstanding.

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