The diet that conquers celebrities and allows you to lose six kilos in a month

The new year is approaching and with it new promises. “By 2022 I will start a diet”, you will tell yourself. There are many who are in a similar situation and who are not even going to wait for January 1. It is a good time to start an effective diet before the Christmas excesses… Business dinners and family gatherings arrive and of course, it will be difficult to resist.

A few extra kilos will come but don’t worry! There’s a solution. After the Sirtfood diet, it’s time for the 5/2 diet, a diet to lose weight that Hollywood celebrities are already using like Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, Benedict Cumberbatch or Miranda Kerr.

The famous assure results as striking as losing up to six kilos in just one month.

What is the 5/2 diet?

It was created in 2012 by Dr. Michael Mosley, author of the book ‘The Fast Diet’, a bestseller among those looking for information/learn about food. If you want tricks to lose weight, this diet will help you.

The system is simple and alternates periods of caloric restriction with other normal foods. It is, roughly that has become fashionable in recent months. Of course, this version restricts the consumption of calories on specific days and not by hours.

The key to the 5/2 diet to lose weight

The diet promises fast and effective results. What you have to do is choose two days a week that are not consecutive to fast. In them we will limit the consumption of calories by 25% compared to our usual diet. They cannot exceed 600 calories for men and 500 for women.

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The rest of the days of the week you can eat normally, avoiding the consumption of hypocaloric or fat-filled foods. It is recommended to dispense with ultra-processed ones.

What kind of foods can you take on the 5/2 diet?

Experts recommend incorporating foods rich in protein and fiber into our diet. For example, meat, fish and fiber. You also have to avoid processed and refined carbohydrates such as pasta, rice or potatoes.

It seems to be simple, but we warn you: You must be psyched up and mentally strong! There will be days when it’s hard not to go over calories. Therefore, before starting this diet, specialists recommend trying intermittent fasting.

Guaranteed results: lose weight fast with the 5/2 diet

You can lose up to six kilos in a month. What you will mainly notice will be the improvement in your appearance, with considerable body fat. In times of fasting, as reflected in studies, a change occurs in the metabolic process and the body changes the use of glucose as an energy source by fat cells, achieving the goal of losing fat.