Fruits, a food rich in water –

Water is a main component of living beings, an individual has about 75% water at birth and approximately 60% in adulthood. 60% of this total is found inside the cells and the rest circulates in the blood and bathes the tissues. For this reason, it is important to consume a sufficient amount of water to allow the proper functioning of the processes of assimilation and elimination of waste from cellular metabolism.

A healthy diet is essential since half of the water requirement is obtained from food, especially fruits. The water content of fruits varies according to various factors such as the type of fruit, the way it is grown or harvested (the difference can be up to one percentage point).

Thus, the fruits with the highest water content are those that we find in the warmer periods, few are those with a water content of less than 80%, among them we have bananas (75.1%).

Fruits with the highest percentage of water

  • Watermelon 94.6%
  • Melon 92.4%
  • Strawberries 89.6%,
  • Papaya 89.4%,
  • Lemon 89.1%,
  • Peach 89%,
  • Orange 88.6%,
  • Tangerine 88.3%,
  • Blueberries 87.8%,
  • Pineapple 86.8%,
  • Pear 86.7%,
  • Plum 86.3%,
  • Kiwifruit 85.9%,
  • Apple 85.7%.

Fruits also have a high content of mineral salts, which, as in the case of potassium, is a nutrient that helps maintain the balance of fluids and electrolytes in the body and its deficiency can cause fatigue, irritability and hypertension, or sodium, which is necessary to maintain adequate blood pressure and provides a correct diffusion of motor and nerve signals.

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