Anxiety: 5 tips to manage it –

Anxiety is one of the most common psychological conditions and the one that is most talked about these days, but in reality, identifying its origin and knowing how to manage it effectively is a pending issue for most people.

In this podcast, Enric Corbera gives us some keys to managing anxiety: do we know what it is and how can we manage it? What adaptive function does it have? Can anxiety provide a message for our growth?

David Corbera participates, on behalf of Bioneuroemoción®, in the congress organized by the Spanish Association of Health Psychology (AEPSIS) for the approach to anxiety.

There are times when we have physical sensations without justification, we feel tachycardia, tightness in the chest or we get a “knot” in our stomach in situations where it seems that no one else is experiencing the same thing. It is as if we were afraid in situations where there would be no reason to be. In this article we want to propose 5 tips to experience anxiety in a different way.

Observe your own thoughts.

When our body is altered as if it wanted to flee from where it is even though there is no apparent reason we can observe what we are saying to each other. Our conditions our way of living the events of our life because we identify with it, it tells us if we can be calm or alert.

When we feel anxious again, we can ask ourselves: What am I telling myself? What am I relating to this situation that I am experiencing?

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Express ourselves to reduce anxiety

Whatever it is that we are saying to ourselves, it is best to say it, to get it out of us. Just keeping a thought of suffering inside makes it multiply.

In a situation in which we experience anxiety, one of the factors that enhances this feeling is that we do not give ourselves permission to share what is happening to us and this . By expressing it we take the first step to dilute its effects, to stop feeling separate. To stop feeling afraid of fear.

The intensity of the anguish is proportional to the meaning that the situation has for the affected person; Although she is essentially ignorant of the reasons for her anxiety.

Karen Horny

One way to consume an emotion is to normalize it and bring it to the surface in the form of words.

stop judging us

We often talk about the judgments we make about others, but what about the ones we make about ourselves? Sometimes when we have anxiety in addition to not knowing what is happening to us. We force ourselves to get out of bed when we don’t want to go out into the world or force ourselves to behave normally when we’re scared to death.

Stop judging ourselves and observe ourselves with curiosity and innocence, as external observers of our reality, is essential to reduce the intensity of the symptoms.

Letting Go of Control: Anxiety Antidote

Be yourself, be yourself. We are so aware of what they will say, what others will think that we forget who we are. If when we are either the partner or the boss or if we want everyone to be happy we are sowing the seed of hea anxiety.

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Anxiety in itself is not bad, it is a warning that we are in danger, it is an attempt to control the uncontrollable. We can ask ourselves what we want to change or who we want to change. Is there something we are doing without wanting to do it?

take action

If we habitually feel anxiety in a certain place or at a specific time, we can begin to investigate what danger that particular situation hides, wonder why we are experiencing this in this way and, above all, what we can change.

We could use Einstein’s typical phrase that there is no greater madness than continuing to do the same thing expecting different results. In situations of anxiety we can interpret that our body is crying out for a reaction on our part.

“Free yourself from anxiety, think that what should be, will be, and will happen naturally.”

Facundo Cabral

Not everyone reacts in the same way to the same situation. Each one reacts according to their interpretation of what is happening and This interpretation has to do with our memories, with things that have happened to us before or that have already happened in our family.. Every anxiety situation is an opportunity to discover hidden aspects of our history.

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